Disseminator Of Jihad Video Announcing Jihad Arrested

JAKARTA - The police traced the viral video of the call to prayer bearing the jihad. The police arrested a man with the initials H who was the perpetrator of the spread.

"Suspect H was arrested by H was arrested at his residence in Cakung, East Jakarta," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, December 3.

According to him, the arrest of the suspect was based on a report on November 29, 2020. In the report, the video was deemed to contain elements of ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA)

"The video can cause provocation, as if Indonesia is fighting against the enemy. The reporter as a Muslim community feels that he is being aggrieved and then makes a report to the regional police," said Yusri.

Meanwhile, based on the results of the investigation, suspect H, who is a document courier at a private company, admitted to having received the video from the Whatsapp Group (WAG) Forum Muslim Cyber One (FMCO) News.

In addition, he also admitted to sharing the video by uploading it to his personal Instagram account @hashophasan.

"His mode was entered in WAG FMCO News, then he discovered that the video was uploaded and then distributed it massively. The results of profiling his Instagram account belonged to H," said Yusri.

Even though they have arrested the suspect, the police are still developing this case. Because, it is strongly suspected that there are still other parties who contributed to spreading it.

Meanwhile, suspect H is under suspicion under Article 28 paragraph 2 Jo article 45A paragraph 2 Law (UU) Number 19 of 2016 regarding amendments to Law Numberr 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions (ITE). H faces a maximum imprisonment of six years and / or a maximum fine of Rp1 billion.

Previously it was reported, the viral video of people who were calling to prayer while holding a sword was busy on social media. It is not certain where this incident happened. It's just that, the video shows a person who is calling to prayer with several people behind him.

Another video also includes a call to prayer by shouting hayya alal jihad, which means let's do jihad. Meanwhile, the person behind replied to the cry of jihad by clenching his fists.