Member Of Commission VII DPR Asks The Government To Pay Attention To Public Complaints About The Decreased Quality Of Pertalite

Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto asked the government to pay attention to public complaints about the decline in the quality of Pertalite.

He also asked the government to take a stand because there were many complaints on social media.

"It must be admitted that the excitement of the decline in the quality of Pertalite after the increase in subsidized fuel prices has not been completed. There are still many residents who report this. Even netizens are again enlivened about the news that Pertalite fuel is said to only have octane levels or RON 86, when RON 90 should be. The government should examine this issue specifically. Because there are many complaints from the public and there needs to be clarity," he said in an official statement quoted on Friday, October 14.

He added that the government needed to conduct further searches and find the cause of the alleged comprehensive decline in the quality of Pertalite even though the Directorate General of Oil and Gas had conducted an examination.

"This is certainly not good, especially in the late days of President Jokowi's administration and entering a political year. The government cannot be defensive or just apological with data on the results of Pertalite quality measurements or even blame the public. The government must explore this issue. Including possible irregularities at the depot level or gas station," he said.

He emphasized that his party was researching independently. The results cannot be obtained quickly as in research at government test institutions.

Previously, vehicle users complained about Pertalite's subsidized fuel, which was considered more wasteful.

They submitted the complaint through social media a few days after the increase in fuel prices.

Regarding this, Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji explained, the government has asked LEMIGAS to conduct technical tests regarding the standards and quality of Pertalite in accordance with the Decree of the Director General (Kepdirjen) of Oil and Gas No. 0486.K/10/DJM.S/2017 concerning Standards and Quality (Specification) of RON 90 Gas type fuels marketed domestically.

The Pertalite fuel sample has been taken directly by the LEMIGAS Team at 6 gas stations in Jakarta.

As a result, Pertalite fuel has met the standards and quality (specification) of RON 90 gasoline, which is marketed domestically.

"With this, there is no indication of off-spec quality restrictions. Everything is on-spec," said the Director General of Oil and Gas.