'Only Beautiful In Words And Plans', PDIP DKI Disbursed Anies's Many Unrealized Promise Data

JAKARTA - Member of Commission A of the DKI DPRD, Gembong Warsono assessed that most of Governor Anies Baswedan's promises in the Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) of the 2017-2022 RPJMD were far from being realized.

"Of Pak Anies' 23 promises during the campaign, only three to five could be interpreted as quite successful. But the rest can be said to be red report cards," said Gembong at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Thursday, October 13, as reported by Antara.

According to this member of the DPRD Government Commission, Anies was only good at planning. However, in the execution, it has not been handled properly to deal with the main problems of Jakarta residents.

"It can be said that Mr. Anies is just beautiful in words and plans," said Gembong.

Gembong explained that Anies' promised to be realized, such as the integration of transportation in DKI Jakarta with JakLingko - even though it is not perfect. Then the promise to organize art activities in Jakarta throughout the year was realized by organizing art festivals since 2018.

In addition, there is also increasing grant assistance for 131 religious institutions and places of worship of up to IDR 325 billion.

Although there was a promise that was realized, Gembong said that many Anies' promises that had achievements could be said to be not good, namely:

Gembong also considered that from policies and decision-making there were many setbacks in the Anies era, such as:

"During these five years, Anies has wasted a lot of time by prioritizing city aesthetics. He forgot to build basic infrastructure that residents really need, for example, to overcome the problem of clean water, congestion and flooding," said Gembong.

He also assessed that Anies' promise would depend on evaluating whether or not to be continued by Kasetpres Heru Budi Hartono as acting (Pj) for the Governor of DKI,

If in the evaluation it turns out that the promise is needed and will be useful for Jakarta residents, said Gembong, Heru will most likely continue.

"If it is beneficial for the citizens of Jakarta, it will be continued, but if after the evaluation, it turns out that between the benefits and disadvantages there are more harm, why continue," he said.

According to Gembong, Heru as the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta will certainly conduct an evaluation with the aim that regional expenditures in the APBD can be felt by the community.

Anies will end his position as Governor of DKI Jakarta on October 16, 2022. Meanwhile, Heru Budi Hartono is scheduled to be sworn in at the Ministry of Home Affairs as Acting Governor of DKI on October 17, 2022.

Heru was elected by President Joko Widodo as Acting Governor of DKI after going through the Final Assessment Team (TPA) session.