Specifications For AW-101 Helicopters Accepted By The Government Are Not In Accordance With The Standards Because There Is Corruption, Here's The Comparison

YOGYAKARTA The specifications of the AW-101 helicopter attracted attention because in its purchase, there were allegations of corruption involving several parties. Even the KPK suspects that the former Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal (Ret.) Agus Supriatna was involved in the corruption case in the procurement of Heli Agusta Westland 101.

In this case, there is a shortage of helicopter specifications that are not up to standard. So what are the standard AW-101 helicopter specifications and deficiencies on helicopters that have been purchased by the government?

On its website, helicopters.leonardo.com, the AW-101 helicopter has a maximum gross weight of 15,600 kilograms and a length of 22.83 meters with a height of 6.66 meters.

This vehicle has three categories related to its use, namely heavy multi-mission, naval, and SAR/CSAR. This means that the vehicle is multifunctional because it can be used as a vehicle for transporting soldiers, assistance, evaluation, including for the benefit of maritime operations and search and rescue or SAR matters.

This helicopter has ballistic protection and can go 277 km/hour equipped with a GE CT7-8E engine, a turboshaft engine with a Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC).

The helicopter, which is intended for extreme natural conditions, is equipped with a counter seat that can be used to save the heli crew during an emergency. In addition, it is also capable of receiving refueling in the air.

This helicopter vehicle is also equipped with heavy weaponry such as torpedoes, air missiles to the surface, and other weapons. This helicopter safety system is indeed quite complete because it has modern safety standards accompanied by rubber boats and air support facilities capable of expanding such as air bags (airbags) and saving cabin crews when the vehicle crashes.

The AW-101 combat SAR variant helicopter is equipped with Eectro optics/Infra Red, single or double patrols, areas for the treatment of combat patients/victims. The carrying capacity that can be carried out by AW-101 is also quite a lot because it can carry 45 fully armed personnel standing, or 30 armed personnel complete with seats.

Specifications of the Agusta Westland (AW)-101 transport helicopter received by the Indonesian government turned out to be experiencing deficiencies. This was revealed in the indictment of KPK Prosecutor Arief Suhermanto against the Director of PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri, Irfan Kurnia Saleh alias John Irfan Kenway.

The indictment states that the lack of helicopter specifications refers to the letter of the Material Inspection Committee (KPM) to the Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Number B/10/III/2017 dated March 22, 2017.

There is a shortage in the form of an incomplete seat so that Southeast Asian digital maps have not been installed.

"We found 24 seats, 38 seats should be less than 14 seats," explained Arief when reading his indictment, Thursday, October 12.

It didn't stop there, the shortage in other helicopters was in cargo emergency on the starboard, first device kit,REtcher or stretcher,tail rotor blaze lock, jacking bold joint and datawa swing compas that were not included.

The history of flight hours should be complete but in AW 101 the purchased is incomplete, the log book engine has no history, the component documents have no age, and there are no serial numbers and production numbers on the plane.

The KPK prosecutor himself stated that the procurement of helicopters aimed at the President's VIP/VVIP vehicle cost the state finances Rp738.9 billion.

That's information regarding the specifications of the AW-101 helicopter. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.