2 Villa And 8 Hotels In Bogor Langgar Sempadan Ciliwung River Will Be Dismantled This Month

JABAR - The Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) immediately dismantled 10 villas and hotels that violated the Ciliwung River border. The decision was after the Ciliwung River Basin Center Cisadane (BBWSCC) of the Ministry of PUPR provided input.

"If there is a building that violates the rules, if it has to be dismantled, it will be dismantled," said Acting Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan in Cibinong, Bogor, West Java (Jabar), quoted from Antara, Wednesday, October 12.

The buildings that will be demolished in mid-October 2022 consist of 8 villas and two hotels. The entire building stands in Megamendung and Cisarua sub-districts.

According to Iwan, the demolition plan emerged after the Bogor Regency Government held a Coordination Meeting with the Directorate of Spatial Utilization Control of the Ministry of ATR and BBWSCC of the Ministry of PUPR.

During the meeting, it was revealed that there were many indications of violations of the use of space in the Ciliwung River, especially in the upstream area, namely the Puncak area, Bogor Regency.

Iwan said that based on the results of a study from the PUPR Ministry's BBWSCC, the Bogor Regency Government was asked to cooperate with the relevant ministries to control buildings that were indicated to have violated the Ciliwung River border.

"The important thing is that the spirit must be the same from the central level to the regions. There is support from the center, both moral support and budget support," said Iwan.

He hopes that there will be good collaboration between the Bogor Regency Government and related ministries in controlling the buildings as an effort to normalize the Ciliwung River.