The MTsN 19 Pondok Labu Building Will Be Repaired, The Cilandak Police Station Off The Police Line

JAKARTA - The Cilandak Sector Police (Polsek) has released the police line at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) 19, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta for the immediate repair of buildings by the school.

"We are carrying out what the leadership ordered to open a police line, so that the building can be repaired immediately and handed over to the school, in this case it is the Ministry of Religion," said Cilandak Police Chief Kompol Multazam Lisendra in Jakarta, Tuesday.

The release of the police line has been carried out since the morning at 09.38 WIB. A number of Public Infrastructure and Facilities Handling officers (PPSU) also helped destroy the stage which was the location of the collapsed wall during the flood on Thursday, October 6.

The student representatives of MTsN 19 were also present at the release of the police line as well as the destruction of the building.

Multazam said the National Police's Forensic Laboratory Center Team (Puslabfor) had also taken debris from the building to be tested in the laboratory on Saturday, October 8.

"For the results of the Puslabfor, please ask the investigators who handled it at the South Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

Furthermore, Multazam also conveyed a message to the school and sub-district to be able to maintain both the assets in MTsN 19.

"The police have deployed security with the sub-district and school to protect the assets and objects at the school. We guarantee that the school is safe," he said.

Previously, the police line had been installed for five days, namely since the incident on Thursday, October 6 to Monday.

Heavy rains that took place on Thursday afternoon caused water to enter the field of MTsN 19 South Jakarta. The guard wall collapsed on the stage wall where the child was playing. As a result, three students died and two students were treated.