The Causes Of Acne In Dagu And How To Overcome It, Small But Perturbed!

Acne that appears on the face is quite disturbing to the appearance. One of them is acne that appears on the chin. The cause of acne on the chin is the same as acne in other areas.

Acne on the chin is a face problem that is often squeezed by many people. Acne arises because of dead skin cells, bacteria, or oils that clog the pores of the skin or hair follicles. Acne on the monument can be experienced by anyone, both men and women and adolescents and adults.

There are various causes of acne on the chin, starting to get dirty facial skin, stress, women's monthly cycles, to hormonal fluctuations or adolescent breakage. But acne on the chin can also be triggered by other factors.

Acne on the chin can be cured or lost by itself if it is classified as a mild case. However, if the presence of acne lasts for a long time and does not recover, you need to have consultations and treatment with a dermatologist.

Even though you can recover, you still need to know what causes acne on your chin. By knowing the cause, you can avoid the problem of facial acne.

Face Skin in good condition

Gross facial skin is the most common cause of acne on the chin. Acne easily appears on unkempt skin such as oil-blocked pores, the presence of dirt left over the face.

Acne can appear on the chin because your chin skin is not kept clean. So you need to do facial care by washing your face frequently with water or using skincare.

Acne on the chin can also appear due to hormonal changes. Acne on the face can appear when a person experiences an increase in the hormone androgen, for example during menstruation or menstruation that occurs in women.

The increase in the hormone androgen makes the oil gland produce excess oil. The pores of the face in the chin, nose, and forehead area become clogged, causing acne.

Acne on the chin can appear not only because of health factors and skin hygiene. However, acne can also occur due to the problem of thought problems, namely excessive stress. A study shows that stress can also worsen the existing acne condition.

Not many know that acne can arise due to kidney function disorders. When acne on the chin is often lost and appears for a long time, it can be a sign of serious illness.

The function of the kidney organ that is experiencing disorders can be caused by dehydration. When the fluid in the body is minimal or lacking, the kidneys are disturbed and the impact can trigger acne on the chin.

The cause of acne on the other chin is an unhealthy diet. Eating patterns can affect facial health. Acne can appear because too much sugary food and dairy products are consumed.

There are several ways you can do to treat acne on your chin. You can do natural treatment or use drug assistance.

Everyone needs to maintain facial hygiene, both women and men. When your face is clean, the possibility of acne appearing is very small. How to keep acne clean is very easy, you just need to wash your face regularly. Don't forget to wash your face using facial cleansing.

Apart from faces, also keep your hands clean. Acne on the face can appear because dirty hands often touch facial skin.

Many people want to immediately break the acne by squeezing it. The appearance of the acne that is pressed will be lost and does not interfere with the appearance of the face, even though the acne that is pressed causes acne to become infected, flatter, and causes acne scars.

So let your acne appear and keep your face clean. Hold yourself back from squeezing or touching it frequently.

Acne causes pain when hit or the surrounding area is touched. You can compress acne on your chin to reduce inflammation or acne pain. How to compress it is with cold water. Just use ice cubes wrapped in soft and clean cloth for 5 minutes.

You can also cure acne on your chin using acne medication. Acne medication in the form of a cream is applied to your acne gently. Acne medication contains benzoyl peroxide or retinoid. Before using acne medication, you need to consult a doctor first.

Those are some of the causes of acne on the chin and how to deal with it. As the saying goes, it's better to prevent than cure. So keep your face clean and your lifestyle before acne on your chin disturbs you.

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