This Is The Cara Coda Indonesia Hindarkan Atlet Esport From Senior Injuries

JAKARTA - Based on the Global Games Market Report 2021, Indonesia occupies the 16th position as the largest game market in the world with very fast growth.

Unfortunately, this growth is not balanced with the awareness that esports also requires support for health services like other conventional sports.

Many esports players are injured and then have to retire quickly because they do not apply an active lifestyle in their daily lives. Not only that, many game activities are still considered unproductive activities.

Seeing this, Coda Indonesia, as part of the game industry ecosystem, also pays attention by launching the #MainSehatBarengCoda program which aims to educate the public about the importance of well-being aspects in playing games, both for the sake of recovery and improving athlete and game performance for recreation purposes.

By cooperating with a sports medicine specialist who practices at the Sport Medicine Injury and Recovery Center (SMIRC) Pondok Indah Bintaro Jaya Hospital, dr. Antonius Andi Kurniawan, Sp.KO, this program aims to educate the public and socialize how to play healthy, balanced, safe, and productive games.

In addition, the public and athletes are also invited to understand the importance of physical and mental health in esports, including the recovery and improvement of the performance of esports athletes.

Coda Indonesia is also proud of the increase in the number of players and the achievement of the achievements of Indonesian esports athletes. However, no less important is to maintain the health of Indonesian esports players so that they can continue to make achievements," said Rerie Wuryandari, Director of External Relations Coda Indonesia at a press conference held at Pondok Indah Bintaro Hospital Tuesday, October 11.

Rurie added that the #MainSehatBarengCoda program is a form of real contribution from Coda in the development of the game and esports ecosystem in Indonesia.

This program will also initiate scientific research esports medical & science regarding the health landscape of gamers in Indonesia which is expected to form the basis for the first scientific study in Indonesia in the esport sector.

"We hope that through our research and programs, we can provide recommendations and educate the public on how to play games in a healthy, safe, balanced, and productive way," he said.

Coda Indonesia also cooperates with Pondok Indah Hospital - Bintaro Jaya, especially Sport Medicine, Injury, and Recovery Center (SMIRC) which will be a training ground, testing recovery for 5 esports athletes who are injured and are a reference for esports-related injuries.

"In accordance with the spirit that SMIRC supports We take you back to sport, faster!, through this collaboration we want to be more active in providing education on the prevention of sports injuries and helping esport activists with complaints of injuries to be able to return to work and recover from injuries more quickly," said Pondok Indah Group Hospital Chief Executive Officer, dr. Yanwar Hadiyanto, MARS

This program also received appreciation from the government as the main stakeholder of the national game industry.

Indonesia has more than 53 million gamers and will continue to grow. With this program, hopefully in the future it can maintain the ecosystem and gaming industry in Indonesia as a potential role for Indonesia to take a role in the world's fourth largest economy in 2045," said Neil El Hsesaih, Deputy for Digital Economy and Creative Products at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia.