Police Determine One Suspect Who Shoots Bow At Rizieq Shihab's Rejectionist Mass In Makassar

MAKASSAR - The police have named one suspect regarding the forced dispersal of the demonstrators in front of the Mandala Monument, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Makassar. Perpetrator R (36) was named a suspect for shooting a bow at the crowd.

"Previously, the perpetrators were arrested at Jalan Sungai Limboto, Makassar City, on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at around 09.00 WITA, this morning," said Kapolsek Ujung Pandang AKP Bagas Sancoyoning Aji to reporters at the Makassar Police, Wednesday, December 2.

Perpetrator R is known to have participated in the action to disperse the mass of the action. He was caught on video drawing a slingshot with a bow arrow. This bow injured a student with the initials PD (26) who is currently being treated by Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar.

"The arrest of the perpetrator is based on the results of the investigation and also from video footage circulating on social media. He was caught on video camera carrying and carrying out a search for the student who was demonstrating in front of the Makassar Mandala Monument," he explained.

The police secured evidence, a number of bows, slingshots and melotov cocktails at the perpetrator's house. The perpetrator was charged under Article 351 of the Criminal Code.