The National Police Reveals The Beginning Of The Raid On Mahfud MD's Parents' House

JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters said that the mob who raided the house of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD at first was just a group of people who wanted to hear an audience with the Pamekasan Police. However, it turned out that they brought the masses in large numbers.

"They actually had the information that they were going to hold an audience at the Police. They brought the masses," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, to reporters, Wednesday, December 2.

Awi said that there were three mass groups involved in the action in front of the Pamekasan Police. But they were immediately disbanded because they were considered to have the potential for the spread of COVID-19.

"The police have actually disbanded, there were three groups that disbanded, around 600 people," said Awi.

But after being disbanded, one group of them headed to the home of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. So they staged an action there.

They had beroarsi for a while in front of the house. However, officers who were previously alerted to the location immediately dismissed him.

"One group of approximately 100 people is right in front of the residence of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs' mother," said Awi.

"Had stopped for 4 to 5 minutes because members were already on standby there and could anticipate and be disbanded," he continued.

The raid on Mahfud MD's parents' house went viral on social media. The mass recorded in the video footage was dominated by men wearing Muslim clothes.

In the video a narrator can be heard explaining that the video was taken in front of Mahfud MD's house in Pamekasan, Madura.

"Mahfud MD's house in Madura, Pamekasan, was raided by the masses," said the narrator in the video.

Even after the impact of the raid, Mahfud's mother was immediately terrified. Because, when the incident occurred, the mother was only accompanied by her eldest brother who was 70 years old and with two nurses and a household assistant.

"Mother was afraid," he said.

"So the residents here are all women, two nurses are also women. All yesterday's incidents were tense for us, the nurses also called, announce that it was busy outside," he said.