Established Since 2015, KSP GMG TPPU Suspect Claims To Be Fine At First Before The COVID 19 Pandemic Occurred

SEMARANG AH (45), founder of the Giri Muria Group Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) (GMG) admitted that initially his business went smoothly. However, since the COVID 19 pandemic hit, there have been disturbances. Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) Kombes Dwi Subagio also explained this in front of reporters.

"It was fine at first, but there was a pandemic starting to collapse," said Kombes Dwi Subagio in a written statement, Monday, October 10.

The Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police, Kombes Iqbal Alqudusy, revealed that the suspect AH was listed as a resident of Kudus and KSP GMG Giri Muria Group had been operating in Kudus Regency since 2015.

"The action was carried out from 2015 to 2021. The victim who had reported nine people with a loss of Rp. 16.6 billion," said Iqbal Alqudusy.

Kombes Dwi Subagio continued, the modus operandi of AH is to provide high interest rates of up to 15 percent.

"The modus operandi is carried out, he collects funds with the lure to the community with interest 12-15 percent per year. In fact, the normative is around 3-4 percent a year," explained Dwi.

With this case, the Central Java Police appealed not to be easily deceived by investments that lure high interest rates.

"Please consult with the authorities first and check the legality. Currently, there are many lucrative investment offers, but once again the public is advised to be careful," he said.

Previously, the ranks of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Central Java Police arrested a man who committed a crime of money laundering (TPPU) with a value of Rp. 16 billion, with customer losses reaching Rp. 267 billion.

The potential loss of customers is Rp. 267 billion because there are 2,601 people and customers who raise funds at KSP.

"From the development, since 2015, residents who have collected funds have increased by 2,601 people. The Central Java Police Ditkrimsus in collaboration with the Kurator and OJK estimates that there is a potential loss of IDR 267 billion," said Director of Criminal Investigation, Kombes Dwi Subagio.

The suspect used the money to buy a number of vehicles, land assets, and buy shares. There are at least 12 land certificates that are already confiscated property rights. However, the total value of new assets is Rp. 8 billion.

"The ones from the storage are used to cover other activities. To buy land assets, there are 12 certificates. The question of that much potential loss, what we confiscated was only Rp. 8.5 billion," he said.

Currently, the case is still being investigated and the suspect is charged with Article 46 of Law no. 10 of 1998 concerning amendments to Law no. 7 of 1992 concerning Banking and Article 3 of Law no. 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering.

"The threat of a minimum sentence of 5 years is a maximum of 15 years in prison," said Dwi.