Prayers For The Kings Of Dalihan Natolu In The Medan Pilkada, Akhyar: Leading The Field Is Full Of Challenges

MEDAN - Candidate for mayor and deputy mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi participated in a traditional procession by the Dalihan Natolu Community Forum (Formadana) South Tapanuli.

The giving of ulos as a form of support for the struggle was given directly by the Chairman of Formadana, Abdul Rahim Siregar together with the elders and traditional kings.

"Hopefully Allah SWT will give strength, health, we support and God willing, Allah SWT will be made as mayor and deputy mayor of Medan," said Abdul Rahim on the sidelines of wages during Formadana's 5th anniversary commemoration, Wednesday, December 2. .

Candidate for the mayor of Medan Akhyar Nasution admitted that he was very happy and happy to have the support of his parents, kings for his and Salman Alfarisi's wages.

"This adds to our enthusiasm to spend another week on the journey to the Pilkada of Medan City. In the future, the prayers of our parents, our kings will be a guide for us in carrying out the mandate to lead the city of Medan in the future," continued Akhyar.

This mandate, continued Akhyar, will be dedicated to the people of Medan City and become worship.

"I ask Salman Alfarisi to carry out the mandate that we will be reminded, guarded, because leading the city of Medan is full of challenges, full of trials, which we may not know the secret of. But we are sure that we will always ask the elders for advice, to the kings. Our king or our hatobangon, maybe many things can be resolved properly. Once again we ask for prayers for support and to be guarded in carrying out the mandate, "hoped Akhyar.