Viral Video Hoaks Of Mount Semeru Lava Drops

JAKARTA - Syafei's Twitter account (@ Syafei93146069) uploaded a video with a narrative that claims the video is a video of the eruption of Mount Semeru, on November 30.

He uploaded a video with images of volcanic lava avalanches. The video he gave the statement, 'Mount Semeru eruption'.

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Based on the search results,, the upload narrative is incorrect.

The official Twitter account of the former Head of the BNPB Data Information and Public Relations Center, the late Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, uploaded the same video on May 22, 2018 and explained that the image was an avalanche of Mount Sinabung's hot clouds.

This video was also distributed as the eruption of Mount Agung in Bali in 2017.