The Realization Of 78.22 Percent, Distribution Of Village Funds In East Kalimantan Has Been Capai Rp760.29 Billion

SAMARINDA - The distribution of Village Funds (DD) in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) as of Saturday, October 8, has reached Rp594.72 billion. This amount is equivalent to 78.22 percent of the Rp760.29 billion budgeted for 2022 and allocated to 841 villages spread across seven districts in East Kalimantan.

"The use of DD includes development, community empowerment, and direct cash assistance (BLT)," said Head of Village Development and Rural Areas of the East Kalimantan Province Community Empowerment and Village Administration (DPMPD) Sri Wartini, quoted by Antara, Sunday 9 October.

DD in 2022, which is worth Rp760.29 billion, if divided equally for 841 villages in East Kalimantan, each village gets Rp904 million, but the distribution of DD is not generalized for all villages, but based on the formula set by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Villages.

There are four formulas to determine the amount of the DD allocation, namely based on the population, the number of poor people, the area, and the geographical difficulty index in each village, so that there are villages that get around Rp450 million, there are also those who get up to Rp1.6 billion.

He continued, the district that received the most DD this year was Kutai Kartanegara with a value of Rp176.9 billion for 193 villages spread over 18 sub-districts, with DD distribution as of last Saturday reaching Rp142.63 billion or 80.63 percent.

The second most is West Kutai Regency with a total DD of IDR 157.19 billion for 190 villages spread over 16 sub-districts, with the distribution of DD currently reaching IDR 130.13 billion or 82.79 percent.

Then East Kutai Regency with a total DD in 2022 worth Rp144.75 billion for 139 villages spread over 18 sub-districts, with the current distribution reaching Rp103.02 billion or 71.17 percent.

Next, Paser Regency with a total DD in 2022 is Rp. 115.26 billion for 139 villages spread over 10 sub-districts, with the current distribution of DD reaching Rp92.83 billion or 80.54 percent.

For Berau Regency this year, DD received DD with a value of Rp. 87.83 billion for 100 villages spread over 10 sub-districts, while the distribution of DD has now reached Rp. 65.51 billion or 74.58 percent.

Then Mahakam Ulu Regency with a total DD of Rp51.32 billion for 50 villages spread over 5 sub-districts, while the distribution of DD has now reached Rp39.45 billion or 76.87 percent.

"The least DD value is North Penajam Paser Regency with a total DD of Rp27.02 billion for 30 villages in 4 sub-districts, with the distribution of DD currently reaching Rp21.14 billion or 78.21 percent," said Sri.