Argentine Police Search Psychiatrist Maradona's Office To Investigate Malpractice

JAKARTA - The death of football legend, Diego Maradona, left a puzzle. Argentine police began to understand the death of the Legend by ransacking the home and private office of Maradona's psychiatrist, Agustina Cosachov.

Launching CNA, Wednesday, December 2, the investigation into Cocachov is a continuation of a search carried out at the home and office of private doctor Maradona, Leopoldo Luque. The search was carried out to obtain Maradona's medical history.

"This is a routine measure when investigating the cause of death of a patient," Cosachov's lawyer, Vadim Mischanchuk, told local television. "What's looking for is medical history on the phone and computer."

Previously, Maradona was known to have drug problems and alcoholism. Death from a heart attack at the age of Maradona, who touched 60 years, was considered normal, until Maradona's three children said their father did not have heart problems. The public is also wondering.

Malpractice accusations have surfaced. Prosecutors stepped in to investigate possible malpractice. Maradona's lawyer, Matias Morla, also agreed. Full investigation, said Morla, is the most appropriate step to find out the real cause of death of the Hand of God.