Rizieq Shihab: The Moral Spirit Taught By The Prophet Muhammad Is In Pancasila

JAKARTA - The Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab asked no one to clash Islam with Pancasila, which is the basis of the state.

Rizieq said that Pancasila has the spirit or spirit of morals taught by the Prophet Muhammad, which is contained in the five existing precepts.

"The spirit of morality taught by the prophet turns out to be part of the basic foundations of Indonesia. Its name is Pancasila. If we study the first to fifth principles, it is actually the spirit of morals," said Rizieq in the National Dialogue of 100 Ulama and Figures which was broadcast online on Front TV, Wednesday, December 2.

According to him, the first precept which reads 'The Almighty Godhead', according to him, can be interpreted as a concept containing divinity that motivates all Indonesians to carry out the life of the nation and state.

In addition, in the context of this first principle, people are obliged to uphold divine values in their daily lives.

"So this is an extraordinary moral spirit," he said.

Furthermore, in the second precept which reads 'Just and Civilized Humanity', he is also called the precepts which are full of moral spirits.

"These second precepts are extraordinary morals for the Indonesian people. So that all Indonesians, starting from officials, people's representatives, kiai, santri and elements of society, must uphold human values and justice, the values of adab. That is moral, subhanallah," he said.

"So it is not wrong if we echo Pancasila as the legacy of the ulama. So do not confuse Pancasila with Islam," added the FPI leader.

Next, the third principle, namely 'Indonesian Unity', is considered to fulfill moral values because only moral people can unite and do not want to divide the nation.

"Those who want to divide the nation, break the unity are those who have no character," he said.

Then he can also find moral spirit in the fourth and fifth precepts. "So it is not true if anyone wants to complain about religion and Pancasila. Those who complain about religion and Pancasila are those who have no character," said Rizieq.

"So the conclusion that I want to convey here is that the spirit of noble morals has been poured out by the founding fathers of Indonesia. Alhamdulillah," he concluded.