RAPBD Surabaya 2023 Diketok Saat Hari Pahlawan 10 November

JAKARTA - The 2023 Draft Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBD) is planned to be ratified to coincide with Heroes' Day, November 10.

"During the ratification later, we will all wear hero clothes," said Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD Adi Sutarwijono, in Surabaya, Saturday, October 8, as reported by Antara.

Adi said the projected Surabaya City APBD in 2023 had increased from the previous Rp10.6 trillion to Rp11.2 trillion.

His party appreciated the Surabaya City Government for including the 2023 RAPBD earlier, so that the Surabaya DPRD had enough time to observe and discuss until the finalization.

According to Adi, the Surabaya DPRD encourages the optimization of regional income posts and to pay close attention to several important expenditure posts, which are related to the livelihoods of the wider community, such as in the field of budget education, it must be above 20 percent.

In addition, he said, the Surabaya DPRD will closely observe the health budget and economic recovery, especially the MSME sector, the increasing handling of the workforce, and infrastructure development as well as infrastructure and infrastructure needed by the community.

"Thanks to the synergy and collaboration between the DPRD and the city government, we are optimistic that the 2023 APBD can be ratified on November 10. So that the agendas for the development of the city of Surabaya can be carried out on time, which is intended for all people of the city of Surabaya," said Adi.

Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji previously said that the main focus of attention from the 2023 APBD included education, health, and economic recovery for the people.

For the education and health budget in 2023, it is planned to be more than 23 percent each. Among these budgets are used for scholarships and universal health insurance for Surabaya residents.

In addition, strengthening the MSME sector has also attracted the attention of the Surabaya City Government by opening access to soft loan and partnership capital to guidance and MSME assistance.

For this reason, he hopes that in the discussion of the 2023 Surabaya RAPBD at the Surabaya DPRD which starts this October, it can run smoothly and on time, and in its preparation get constructive input for the common good.

"Hopefully the 2023 APBD can be used for the good of the people of Surabaya," he also said.