Hundreds Of Sukabumi Residents Become Victims Of Wapping The Cibening River

SUKABUMI - The number of residents affected by the flood disaster due to the overflowing of the Cibening River, West Java, reached hundreds of people.

"From the data released by the Sukabumi Regency BPBD, the number of residents affected by the flood was 140 families (KK) or 460 people," said Purabaya Police Chief AKP Iwan Kusmawan while leading a joint team to deal with the flood disaster in Purabaya District, Saturday, October 8, reported by Antara.

As a result of the overflowing of the Cibening River on Friday (7/10) a number of hamlets were flooded with a height of 70-200 cm, such as in Purabaya Hamlet there were three RTs affected and Miramintana Hamlet there were also three RTs that were flooded.

Meanwhile, the Public Relations Staff of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Sukabumi Regency Ariel Solehudin said his personnel were already at the location to help residents affected by the flood disaster.

Until now, the water is still submerging a number of settlements, public facilities and places of worship, but at some points the water has begun to recede. His party also assisted BPBD to carry out assessments and tackle this flood disaster together with Forkopimcam Purabaya and other volunteers.

"We are still evacuating a number of residents whose houses were flooded to be taken to a safer place, but the joint flood prevention team in Purabaya District has not received any information on any casualties," he said.

Ariel said the personnel assigned to the field were divided into two teams, namely helping the evacuation of the affected residents and other teams on standby and providing services at refugee camps to ensure the health of the refugees.

His party is still collecting data on the needs of residents so that logistics sent to locations from PMI logistics warehouses in Sukabumi Regency are in accordance with what is needed by residents.

Floods caused by the overflow of the Cibening River in Purabaya District (Antara/Aditya Rohman)