Local Parties In Aceh Pledge Of Voice For Political Parties Whose Presidential Candidates Anies Baswedan

JAKARTA - The DPP of the Darul Aceh Party (PDA) promised to vote for candidates for members of the DPR from the national party who support Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

"We discussed the internal DPP PDA, we have decided to support the candidate for a member of the DPR whose party supports Anies," said the chairman of the DPP PDA Tgk. Muhibbussabri alias Abi Muhib in Banda Aceh, Friday, October 8.

That support, said Abi, is because as a local party there are no candidates for legislative members for the DPR RI so that their votes are for candidates from the party supporting Anies Baswedan.

"In the management, we will support Anies, and our voice is for the party that supports Anies. Maybe now NasDem has entered," he continued.

Abi emphasized that it was necessary to provide support to the party supporting Anies if later Anies won the election. Thus, in parliament there are those who defend their policies.

Regarding the PNA support, the chairman of the Aceh NasDem Party DPW Teuku Taufiqulhadi appreciated the good intentions of the PDA to provide support to the national party that carries Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

"NasDem Aceh really appreciates the General Chairperson of PDA Tgk Muhibbussabri who will support candidates for the DPR RI from the NasDem Party in the 2024 election," said Taufiqulhadi as quoted by Antara.

So far, his party has often communicated with Muhibbussabri. In fact, in several meetings, Aceh has discussed in the future.

In addition, said Taufiq, NasDem also has the same perspective on Islam and Acehnese traditions. In the context of the party's vision, NasDem is also fully within the Islam dayah line.

"We consider that Islam dayah is Islam's legacy of past ulama, such as Syiah Kuala. Therefore, we have great respect for Islam and the dayah cleric," said Taufiqulhadi.