Severe And Water: Simple Cooking For ABRI 38th Anniversary, October 5, 1983

JAKARTA - The anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (ABRI) is often greeted with great fanfare. All Indonesian people also celebrate. They travel to the nearest field to remind ABRI's anniversary.

Greatness is its hallmark. The military parade is displayed. From the Army (AD), Navy (AL), to the Air Force (AU). However, the excitement was not seen on the 38th Anniversary of ABRI, October 5, 1983. The celebration was very simple. Guests who come only get a piece of cake and water.

ABRI's contribution (now: TNI) to nations and countries is gone. ABRI was originally intended to defend Indonesia's independence. They are at the forefront of perpetuating independence by taking up arms.

In fact, the state of armslifting and diplomacy is able to deliver complete independence for Indonesia. ABRI's services in upholding independence are remembered to this day. This is because ABRI is none other than part of the Indonesian people: from the people, by the people, and for the people.

ABRI's heroism narrative is recounted every year. The momentum is ABRI's Anniversary. Every year the celebration of ABRI's anniversary is known to be magnificent and lively. In fact, from Bung Karno's time. Moreover, the commemoration is often attended by Indonesian number one people. The military parade was displayed. From AD, AL, and AU with their flagship parades: fighter aircraft attractions.

However, ABRI itself often calls their anniversary a simple celebration. The view of simplicity (even though it is luxurious) is widely mined in the mass media affiliated with ABRI. Dharmasena Magazine comes out of 1976, for example. The magazine report mentions the celebration of the 31st TNI Anniversary which took place at the Senayan East Parking Parking Park, Jakarta is simple. However, its contents show a luxurious and magnificent side of the event.

The excitement can be seen from the presence of hundreds of thousands of people from all corners of Jakarta who want to witness ABRI's pride up close, even though for that there is no coercion, there is no accompaniment and transportation like the general meetings of the party in the past, but they come alone. From their presence here alone, it can be seen that ABRI is actually loved by the people, loved by the people because its origin is from the people, by the people, for the people.

The pride of the people is getting bigger after seeing that the equipment owned by ABRI is now well displayed in parades and defiles. The amphibious pansers belonging to the marine unit, the tanks belonging to the Ganiyon Economy/KODAM V Jaya and anti-aircraft cannons belonging to the Artillery Unit are enough to convince them that ABRI is now quite resilient in facing all possibilities. Especially after seeing air-lining aircraft such as the newly arrived OV-10 Bronco, the newly arrived F-27 F-27 Fokkker who also just arrived B 86/Sabre, T-33 Bird and others," wrote Dharmasena Magazine's report entitled Auction for the XXXI ABRI Simple Commemoration (1976).

ABRI's anniversary often highlights the splendor. However, that does not mean that ABRI's anniversary has never been held simply. ABRI's anniversary was recorded as being held simply on the 20th ABRI Anniversary on October 5, 1965. Or after the September 30th Movement (G30S). The atmosphere of mourning made the 20th ABRI Anniversary held in a simple manner.

The rest, ABRI's simple anniversary was held on October 5, 1983 at the Senayan East Parking lot. At that time, Indonesia was hit by a recession. Indonesia's economy is at a worrying level. The Commander of ABRI, Benny Moerdani, also held a fairly simple anniversary.

They do not want to luxury over the suffering of the people. There are no jet planes that win. There was no battalion demonstration, and no abundant food dish. The power of power only provides a piece of cake and water for the audience and invited guests.

The celebration was carried out efficiently. Even though the President of Indonesia, Suharto was present. Indonesia's number one person revealed that simplicity is not a problem. because, the main thing is that ABRI can serve the people, nation and state.

There were no demonstrations of operational activity or military proficiency that had been considered ahead of time. The Commander of ABRI General L. Benny Moerdani did want it. This simplicity does not mean that our respect and appreciation for our proud ABRI Day will be reduced, General Benny said in his speech on TVRI.

This reason for simplicity, according to the Pangab, is a deep concern for the safety of the sustainability of national development which is being hampered by difficulties due to the world's recession. However, that does not mean that ABRI, under General Benny, is ABRI during the recession. Behind it all, General Benny seems to be using ABRI Day as a starting point and a new wisdom: how to draw up an ABRI that is suitable for Indonesia now and in the future that is visible, wrote a Tempo Magazine report entitled Savings, Without Stages (1983).