Reflecting On The Orphans Due To A Pandemic, KPAI Asks For Full State Attention At Children Victims Of The Impact Tragedy

JAKARTA - Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) said children who were orphaned or orphaned victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy received guarantees from parents for their future.

The Head of the KPAI Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Jasra Putra, said that attention to children victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy was important, in addition to solutions to compensation money, basic materials, scholarships and transfer of care.

"It is important to ensure that children who have lost their parents get the right replacement figures, such as the family of blood," said Jasra, Thursday, October 6.

Jasta said this reflected on the children affected by the COVID-19 pandemic who lost their parents. The children became feel alone and easily anxious, afraid, and lost hope after being abandoned by their father or mother who died due to COVID-19.

Children who lose their parents during the pandemic also feel deep sorrow because they have lost an important figure in their lives, so KPAI considers them to need long-term assistance.

The figure of replacing parents in children victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy is expected to have plans for the future of children and be careful in using the compensation given to children.

Previously, President Joko Widodo would provide compensation of Rp. 50 million for each victim as a sign of condolences.

Jasra emphasized that it is important to involve experts from across professions in mentoring, ranging from social workers, psychologists to teachers, in utilizing assistance so that children's growth and development become optimal.

He added that according to the mandate of Law 23 of 2014 concerning the division of central and regional authorities regarding children, special protection is needed, regents/mayors are the leaders of implementing special child protection in the family.

"It is important for the government and the community to strengthen the responsibilities of its foster parents (children who have lost their parents), including increasing economic access for families in need," he explained.

Those who have lost their parents in Kanjuruhan must also ensure that they remain in a family full of love and prosperity so that children feel accepted and remain protected.

"Children who lose their parents are easily disturbed by emotional intelligence. If they get pressure, shaking, it can have a bad impact on their growth and development in the future," said Jasra.

He believes that the local government can strive for foster parents to get the necessary training in order to implement the best parenting for the future of their children, free from violence and bullying.

"Because we all have a mandate, we talk about the implementation of child protection in the Child Protection Act until 18 years," he said.