You Must Know! Here Are The Rules And Tips For Renovation Of Subsidized Houses

YOGYAKARTA Did you know that the renovation of subsidized houses is not immediately allowed as long as it does not violate government regulations.

Knowledge related to this rule is sometimes an obstacle for subsidized homeowners for low-income people (MBR) built by the General Ministry of Public Housing (PUPR) of the Republic of Indonesia.

As is known, the subsidy housing program from the government aims to provide livable houses for the lower middle class. In its implementation, there are a number of rules that are enforced and must be obeyed by all parties, including the owner of the house.

Provisions regarding subsidized houses are also regulated in the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 242/KPTS/M/2020. There are various provisions ranging from prices to land area restrictions and floors of public houses.

Quoted from, Legal Counsel for the National Legal Development Agency of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Sumarno explained that the renovation of subsidized houses is allowed by debtors with several restrictions and conditions that must be met.

One of the Provisions and Limits for Renovation of Subsidized House Subsidies, namely that debtors may renovate after undergoing credit for five years and over.

Renovations that will be carried out before five years of credit are only allowed to add kitchens and fences.

However, you must not change the shape of the front of the house or make a multi-story house.

Debtors who want to carry out extreme renovations such as by dismantling buildings from the start, even graded ones are not allowed.

In addition, the process of renovating subsidized houses also needs to be reported to the financing bank according to the rules.

For subsidized house owners who plan to renovate their homes to make them more comfortable, there are several tips that can be done so as not to violate the regulations and not get involved in legal matters, namely as follows.

Before carrying out the renovation, it's a good idea to understand the government regulations regarding subsidized houses so that they know the limits between those that are allowed and cannot be carried out related to house renovation activities.

The financing-giving bank will carry out installments carried out by the debtor. If the debtor's installments are smooth, trust will be given so that the report process is easier to do.

As mentioned in the next chapter, the owner of the house must report renovation activities to the mortgage channeling bank. Explain openly and honestly so that unwanted things don't happen.

Fasad is the appearance of the building from outside. When renovating subsidized houses, avoid changing the building facilities. Even so, the owner of the house may add a front fence.

In accordance with the provisions, subsidized housing land has its own provisions. You can make some adjustments but it is forbidden to expand the land, such as buying a patchy area around the house and then building additional buildings.

Renovation of subsidy houses is permissible as long as it is not carried out in total. A total overhaul will make the home owner deal with the law. However, the owner of the house can renovate it little by little or in stages. But still have to pay attention to the rules.

Before deciding to renovate, you are advised to correct the weaknesses of subsidized houses, one of which is on the roof which makes houses often leak when it rains.

In addition, the addition of fences can be a wise decision to increase security.

Those are the rules regarding Subsidized House Renovation and tips. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.