Motorcycle E-TLE Enforcement Mechanisms You Need To Know

JAKARTA - The plan for the e-TLE numbering system for motorcyclists will be implemented in early February. However, there are discrepancies in the enforcement mechanism for vehicles bearing a Motorized Vehicle Number (TNKB) from Jakarta and outside the city.

Director of the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusuf, said that the e-TLE numbering mechanism for motorbikes with Jakarta number plates would be the same as repression for four-wheeled vehicles.

This means that the vehicle recorded as having committed a violation will be directly contained in the e-TLE system. Furthermore, the officer will confirm by sending a ticket to the appropriate address on the vehicle owner's data.

"For motorbike riders who are registered in our place is plate B because we have the database. So, plate B vehicles violate, the data will definitely appear," Yusuf said in Jakarta, Monday, January 27.

Furthermore, the violators must follow the procedures of the disappearance, such as court proceedings and pay fines for violations. The process, from recording to trial, will last for 14 days.

Meanwhile, for vehicles with TNKB outside Jakarta, the suppression system will be carried out manually. The e-TLE command center officer will report to officers in the field to take action against the vehicle.

Kasubdit Bin Gakkum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Fahri Siregar added, the reason for taking action on motorbikes with TNKB outside Jakarta was still manual because there was no overall vehicle data available.

Thus, the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya is still coordinating with the National Police Traffic Corps to obtain data nationally. The plan, February will start to get this data. "We are still coordinating to get data nationally," said Fahri.

In addition, in the enforcement of e-TLE for motorbikes, there are three violations that are the focus, among others, violations of signs, road markings, and the use of helmets. This is because the three of them are said to be one of the causes of congestion and accidents.

With the e-TLE system targeting two-wheeled riders, it is hoped that the number of violations will drop drastically seeking 50 percent.

Previously, it was reported that the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya would implement electronic traffic law enforcement (e-TLE) for motorcyclists in the DKI Jakarta area. It is planned that the implementation of this electronic ticket will be carried out starting next February.

In the plan to implement the e-TLE system for motorbikes, the enforcement scheme will be no different from four-wheeled vehicles. Later, cameras that have been equipped with repression features for two-wheeled vehicles installed at several angles will record vehicle data and forms of violations.

In addition, in its application, around 57 e-TLE cameras will be placed at several points. However, for now, only two places have installed these sophisticated cameras, on Jalan Sudirman and TransJakarta Route, Corridor 6, Ragunan-Monas, to be precise, in front of the Immigration Office. While the rest, it has not yet been determined which locations will be installed with the e-TLE camera.