Learning To Central Java, Acting Governor Of West Sulawesi Wants To Learn About The MSME-SMK Boarding School Program

JAKARTA - The West Sulawesi Provincial Government has suppressed the memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Central Java Provincial Government, at the Central Java Governor's Office.
Cooperation covers various strategic programs in each province. Acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Akmal Malik, said the cooperation between the two parties was oriented towards efforts to improve the welfare of the community, especially in the service of West Sulawesi.
"One of the priority programs that will be followed up by both parties is the handling of stunting, as well as collaboration in regional economic development," explained Akmal Malik, Tuesday, October 4.
In addition, Akmal Malik said that both parties will immediately discuss and explore related to potentials that can be collaborated in the future.
"What can we adopt in West Sulawesi, we will study further," said the Director General (Dirjen) of Regional Autonomy at the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).
Meanwhile, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, said that his party with the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi, Akmal Malik, had discussed efforts to collaborate in handling stunting.
"We will follow up on this," he said.
On the other hand, Ganjar said that in Central Java, efficiency is being pursued in the use of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) through digitalization. Ganjar Pranowo further said that the APBD efficiency effort through digitalization was realized through SMK Boarding School.
Regarding the MoU with the West Sulawesi Provincial Government, Ganjar emphasized that regional autonomy is basically encouraging independence and cooperation, including trade between regions.
Several examples can be followed up in regional development in West Sulawesi, such as inter-regional trade, a pilot of Central Java Vocational School education to provide children with affordable access to education.
Another thing, such as the pilot role of Regional Development Bank (BPD) which is encouraged to provide capital facilitation to small, micro and medium enterprises. In addition, Ganjar continued, the role of Baznas in Central Java is optimized, for example, if there are problems that require money, then the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) is the first party invited to handle it.
"If Baznas doesn't exist, use other financing sources, finally from the governor's pocket. All ASN income taxes enter Baznas and then are optimized," explained Ganjar.
Meanwhile, in the near future the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo will make a return visit to lita mandar (Sulbar) which is planned for Monday, next week. This visit is also an effort to establish a kind of sister province between West Sulawesi and Central Java.