Anies-Riza Positive For COVID-19, DPRD Chairperson: Government Must Run, Must Serve Citizens With Excellence

JAKARTA - Jakarta DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi said that the condition of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria who were positive for COVID-19 was a serious event for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Prasetio asked the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government to continue to run the government well even though the two leaders of DKI were unable to have offices at City Hall.

"However, I ask that the wheels of government continue to run as they should. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government must continue to serve the public excellence," Prasetio told reporters, Tuesday, December 1.

Moreover, he said, currently the executive and legislative ranks are speeding up the preparation of the draft APBD for the 2021 budget year. The RAPBD must be finalized before the end of 2020.

"Here, the work synergy between the regional government and the DPRD must be maintained, running," he said.


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Prasetio predicts that Anies is likely to prepare a temporary daily executive (plh) who can be in the office for his job. Prasetio asked the prepared plh to continue to work optimally.

"Maybe the Governor has also prepared a temporary daily executive. And I ask this Plh to continue to optimally carry out surveillance and recovery during the pandemic," said Prasetio.

Anies announced today that he is infected with COVID-19. He tested positive for COVID-19 based on the results of the PCR swab test on Monday, November 30.

Anies is suspected of contracting the corona virus from his deputy, Ahmad Riza Patria. This is because Riza has tested positive for COVID-19 since last Friday, November 27.