7 Characters Of Couples Don't Respect You, Leave You Soon

JAKARTA - Choosing a life partner is clearly not random. Your life assistants will affect many aspects of your life, including mental health.

It's not impossible, you will be mentally abused by your partner's treatment or speech. One of the indications is when your partner doesn't respect you. In fact, being so often unappreciated and treated badly actually makes you question what's wrong with yourself.

For that, you need to know the characteristics and make it a sign that your relationship is no longer healthy.

Launching Inspiring Tips, Tuesday, October 4, if you never hear your partner say "thank you" for your efforts to help him, he clearly doesn't respect you. If he really appreciates you as a couple, he won't ignore your sacrifice to be a good partner. He will be grateful for every little thing you do for him.

Whenever you tell him about your feelings, does he respond by saying that your efforts are not enough? Does he demand unrealistic things from you, such as being 'beautiful','smart', or 'rich' so he can show off you to others or get more of you? If the answer is 'yes' then it is undeniable that your partner doesn't respect you.

Given everything that has been done to your partner, what does he do to 'pay back' your kindness? Maybe you can easily come to him when he gets into trouble. However, does your partner apply to you? If you can't count on him during difficult times, it means your partner needs to leave immediately.

Does he outspokenly tell you that his friends can help him more than you? If he tries to intimidate you by saying he can depend on them more than you, he clearly doesn't respect you as a couple.

The characteristics of your partner no longer appreciate you, namely when he asks you to be silent every time you want to vent. In addition, he also does not accept the ideas you convey for his good. Instead, he appreciates other people's opinions more than you do. If your partner has shown an attitude like this, you should consider ending the relationship as soon as possible.

It's not just about lack of respect, but it also shows that he no longer respects you. If he values your time, he will keep the promises that have been agreed upon before. If he respects you, he will no longer give his time to others. You can't talk about respecting if there's no respect.

Is your presence in your partner's life seem to be hidden from other people? For example, he never invites you to his family meeting or when he gathers with friends. If it's like this, then he doesn't respect you as his partner, neither does your relationship. If this is the case, there's nothing to keep your partner.