Democrats Do Not Want Akhyar Nasution-Salman To Be Cheated, Prepare RLTS Field Operations In Pilkada

MEDAN - Medan election is only counting the days. Ahead of the voting on December 9, the winning team of Akhyar Nasution-Salman Alfarisi together with political parties supported the anticipation of potential fraud. Democrats prepare a special team to monitor the potential for fraud in the Medan Pilkada.

The task of the Task Force team is to carry out Operation RL-TS, which stands for Record, Report, Capture and Handover. Teams will be deployed in various urban villages, in collaboration with existing constituents and networks. Communication with Panwaslih was also strengthened.

"The RLTS operation with the code code SIAP AMAN 2020 aims to support the KPK program in order to prevent fraudulent acts committed by regional head candidates. Because the KPK is sure that if the regional head is already cheating during the Pilkada, he will definitely cheat even more when he leads, "said Medan City Democrat Chairman Burhanuddin Sitepu, Tuesday, December 1.

Democrat said the indication of Medan Pilkada fraud was clear after a number of cases of money politics occurred in a number of locations. There is a case of bago-sharing of money in Gaharu Village, East Medan, which is now being processed by Bawaslu.

"That case was one of the successful Democrat Party cadres," said Burhanuddin Sitepu.

Therefore, Burhanuddin hopes the Democrat Task Force team will be more active in monitoring in various places. That way oversight of money politics can be massive

"One of the things we are aware of is the dawn attack, namely the action of money politics from a certain Paslon camp which is carried out several hours before the voting at the TPS," added Burhanuddin.

Democrats will carry out field monitoring measures by strengthening monitoring actions during voting day at polling stations.

Democrats entrusted Subanto ST, who also serves as Chairman of the Medan Democratic Election Winning Agency (Bapilu) to lead this RL-TS Operation Task Force. Subanto is a Democrat cadre who succeeded in exposing the practice of money politics in the Medan Regional Head Election which took place in Gaharu Village some time ago.

"With a fairly extensive network, we hope that Subanto can lead this Task Force to expose other money politics practices," said Burhanuddin Sitepu.

The presence of the RL-TS Operations Task Force from the Democratic Party complements the strength of the witnesses that have been prepared by the campaign team of Akhyar Nasution and Salman Alfarisi. The Democratic Party and PKS are the main supporters of the candidate pair number 1 in the Pilkada

The Akhyar-Salman winning team will prepare more than 100 thousand witnesses who will monitor the activities at the polling stations on 9 December. They consist of one witness inside the TPS, and about 20 witnesses outside the TPS. There are about 4,300 polling stations prepared by the KPU Medan for Pilkada activities in this city.

The witnesses will monitor all voting activities and the movement of ballot boxes from one place to another. The large number of witnesses deployed by the AMAN Team was due to the Akhyar-Salman team seeing the potential for fraud in the Medan Pilkada.