3 These Factors ArenilaimMakan Surya Paloh Deklarasikan Anies Baswedan Sebagai Capres 2024 NasDem

JAKARTA - The NasDem Party has officially declared Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate (Capres) 2024 carried by his party. The announcement of the Governor of DKI Jakarta was delivered directly by the General Chairperson of NasDem Surya Paloh.

Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, assessed that there were several factors that underlie NasDem announcing Anies as a presidential candidate in 2024.

First, he said, there was a historical closeness between Anies and the NasDem Party. Where Anies became one of the founders of NasDem when he was still a community organization (ormas).

"That way, Anies is considered to understand the vision and mission of the NasDem Party, including the spirit of restoration echoed by the party. Anies is considered to have understood exactly what the NasDem Party is fighting for," Jamiluddin said in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 4.

Second, Anies' consistent electability in the top three. In fact, said Jamiluddin, Anies' electability tends to continue to increase even though he has not worked for his candidacy.

"Therefore, NasDem seems very confident that it will be easy to boost Anies' electability even higher. Anies is considered a person who has a high selling value so that it will be easy to package and campaign for a wider audience," he explained.

NasDem's belief, continued Jamiluddin, was also even stronger after CSIS released its survey results. It was stated that Anies was able to beat Prabowo Subianto and Ganjar Pranowo.

"This CSIS survey seems to convince the NasDem Party to carry Anies," he said.

third, the factor of former Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK). It seems, said Jamiluddin, that he is increasingly convincing Surya Paloh to carry Anies. "Through his close relationship, JK was able to convince Surya Paloh that Anies is the most competitive to win the 2024 presidential election," he said.

The JK factor, he continued, will also encourage the Democratic Party and PKS to immediately declare Anies as a presidential candidate. Because JK was able to convince PKS and Susilo officials Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to carry Anies.

"So, JK's big role in carrying Anies as a presidential candidate is very large. JK is able to become a facilitator and dynamicator with NasDem, Democrat, and PKS to carry Anies," said Jamiluddin.