According To The Case Of The Shooting Of Residents In Tambora, The Police Are Still Investigating

JAKARTA - Tambora Police officers investigated the shooting case by a man to residents in the Tanah Cereal area, West Jakarta on Saturday, October 1.

"Until now we are still conducting an investigation, our own colleagues know that the Tambora Police Viral incident could not be silent," said Tambora Police Chief Rosana Albertina Labobar when met in West Jakarta, Monday, October 3.

The hidden camera footage showing the shooting was also circulating through several group conversations based on the "WhatsApp" application.

In the recording, two men were seen riding a motorbike inside a residential alley.

The man who was riding was getting off the motorbike and talking to a resident who was the victim of the shooting at the end of the alley.

After finishing talking, the man who was riding with his partner moved to the end of the alley to the highway.

At the end of the alley, the man who was riding in the car immediately took out an "air softgun" type weapon and shot the man he was talking to.

After throwing several shots, the shooter and his partner immediately fled on a motorbike.

Rosana explained that no robbers had occurred at the location.

"There was no robbery, there were only two unknown people to the house of one of the residents where the house was a place to sell food," said Rosana.

His party has also examined several witnesses including the victim at the location. From the results of the preliminary examination, the victim suffered gunshot wounds to the chest, so, the legs and thighs.

"The victim's condition is now good, only bruises," said Rosana.

It is not known with certainty what caused the two unknown people to shoot. Until now, the police are still pursuing the two perpetrators.