Densus 88 Arrests A Suspected Terrorist In Palembang
JAKARTA - Special Detachment 88 arrested a male suspected terrorist with the initials AD (41) at the Talang Kelapa Perumnas Complex, Alang-Alang Lebar Subdistrict, Palembang City on Monday, November 30 evening.
"Yes, it is true that a man, the South Sumatra Polda is only backing up. Densus 88 has brought him to Jakarta," said South Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inspector General Eko Hendri when confirmed, reported by Antara, Tuesday, December 1.
Regarding network affiliation, according to him, it is possible that the suspected terrorist was part of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) network, although his connection with JI in Lampung cannot be ascertained because it is still under development.
The arrest of the suspected terrorist was carried out in two searches, first at 16.00 WIB and then at night.
One of the suspected neighbors, Abudrohaman, said the first search was thought to be a cell phone problem because there were not too many officers coming.
"Because the house (allegedly) does have a cellphone counter," said Abdurohman.
However, at night the search was carried out by uniformed and armed officers and residents were not allowed to approach the crime scene. He saw officers carrying someone and several packages.
He admitted that the house that was ransacked was occupied by a family who was well-known and did not have any suspicious signs, while the suspect's child and wife were not taken by the officers.
"He (allegedly) has lived here for a long time and as far as we know he is a friendly person," added Abdurohman.