Democrats With Anies-AHY Duet Values Are Unmatched, PKS: Good Couples, Other Options Anies-Khofifah

JAKARTA - PKS assesses that apart from Anies Baswedan-Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono alias AHY, the option of presidential and other vice presidential pairs will also continue to be studied if the coalition with Democrats and NasDem is realized.

This was conveyed by the chairman of the PKS DPP, Mardani Ali Sera, in response to the Democrats who said that Anies-AHY was almost unmatched in the 2024 presidential election when referring to the survey results.

"Good couple, but it must be ensured too, this pair can get the support of Indonesian voters, the majority in Central Java and East Java," said Mardani, Friday, September 30.

Mardani Ali Sera said the Anies-AHY duo was a manifestation of a young and quality figure. However, PKS also has another option, namely Anies paired with the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"In PKS, of course the chairman and deputy chairman of the Shura Council and coalition partners are deliberated. But other options are still being studied, for example, Mas Anies with Mba Khofifah," he said.

The reason the Anies-Khofifah duo is an alternative, said Mardani, is in order to attract votes in East Java. In addition to being proven to have a vote in East Java, Mardani said that the chairman of the PBNU Tanfidziyah also had a voice from the Muslim mass.

"But whatever decision the leadership deliberation decision will be greeted enthusiastically by PKS cadres," concluded Mardani Ali Sera. Previously, Democratic Party spokesman Herzaky Mahendra Putra said the Anies-AHY duo was almost unmatched when referring to the survey results.

At first, Herzaky explained, the Democratic coalition with Nasdem and PKS only discussed the criteria for presidential and vice presidential candidates. While the name of the figure to be carried has not yet been discussed.

"Indeed, the name of the presidential candidate has several proposals that will soon be narrowed down, but of course we will bring back the results of discussions in this coalition at the internal forum of the party's upper house," said Herzaky in Jakarta, Thursday, September 29.

Herzaky revealed that Anies was one of the names discussed internally by the Democrat-NasDem-PKS coalition. However, he said, internal Democratic dynamics wanted AHY to run in the 2024 election.

Regarding the survey findings, according to him, the Anies-AHY duo is almost unmatched when carried in the 2024 General Election.

"We also received a lot of information from survey institutions when talking about the Anies-AHY pair, for example, almost without a match, this is what he said, said the large survey agency, of course this is a consideration. If we will discuss communication with all of them, the political parties who are friends of potential coalition partners, we focus only on earlier, criteria, criteria for which figure is right," he concluded.