Hundreds Of Illegal Parking Points In Surabaya Should Be Maximized As Official Revenue

SURABAYA - Commission B of the Surabaya City DPRD, East Java, asked the Transportation Service (Dishub) to take over hundreds of illegal parking lots there. Dishub must be able to manage in order to become a source of regional income.

Secretary of Commission B for the Economy of the Surabaya DPRD Mahfudz hopes that parking lots that have not been controlled by the Transportation Agency will be immediately taken and managed.

"We found that there are still hundreds of parking points that have not been managed by the Transportation Agency so that they become illegal. We hope that they are maximized to increase regional income," said Mahfudz, Thursday, September 29.

Regarding local revenue (PAD) 2022 from the parking sector that has been explained by the Surabaya Transportation Agency, it reached Rp12 billion from the target of Rp35 billion, Mahfudz considered it unrealistic and experienced many leaks.

According to Mahfudz, there are many places, both cafes and others that park them on the side of the road, which have a large parking potential, but that is not taken by the Transportation Agency. This, he continued, was the cause of the achievement of this parking PAD target to decrease.

For this reason, Mahfudz requested that the parking points that had been managed by the Transportation Agency must be tightened with the system.

"I think if it is done and managed optimally, then the target of Rp35 billion is small," he said as quoted by Antara.

Kadishub Surabaya Tundjung Iswandaru previously said that until now, the PAD target from the parking sector has reached Rp12 billion from the target of Rp35 billion. Even so, he is optimistic that the PAD target from the parking sector can be achieved by the end of 2022.

"We will continue to pump friends in the field for collaboration and supervision so that this PAD target can be met," he said.

He also explained that currently there are 1,200 official parking points spread throughout the city of Surabaya. This number consists of zone and non-zona parking. This number decreased before the COVID-19 pandemic which reached around 1,700 parking points.

The decline in the number of parking points of course also has an impact on the income from the parking sector. Therefore, Tundjung again appealed to the public to always ask for tickets to the parking attendant (Jukir) to prevent leakage of PAD.