Newest Bogor Perbup: Provision Of BHPRD Portion In Accordance With Village Rights And Potential

JABAR - The Bogor Regency Government has begun to implement Regent Regulation (Perbup) Number 70 of 2022 concerning Regional Tax and Levy Profit Sharing (BHPRD). The regulation regulates the distribution of BHPRD portions for villages.

Head of the Regional Revenue Collection, Discussion and Supervision Division at the Regional Revenue Management Agency (CoFTRA) of Bogor Regency, Gandi Putra, said that the new Perbup regulates the distribution of portions according to rights and potential in each village.

"So that BPHRD revenues will not always be the same for every year, can increase or decrease compared to previous year's revenues," said Gandi in Cibinong, Bogor, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 28.

He explained that the BHPRD was sourced from 10 regional tax components and the retribution for building approval (PBG). Then, it is calculated by considering the results of regional tax revenues and regional levies in each village.

"This means that the receipt of BHPRD by villages is greatly influenced by regional tax revenues and PBG levies in related villages," he explained.

Gandi said that the BHPRD distributed in 2022 was the highest. According to him, Covida has also evaluated with a total recount of Rp222.4 billion, an increase of Rp56.2 billion from 2021.

"After being evaluated, there are things that need to be corrected. The regional government remains committed to distributing this BPHRD according to its rights, so that no one is harmed," said Gandi.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD), Reynaldi, asked village heads (kades) to complete the requirements for the disbursement of the 2022 BHPRD. The goal is that the BHPRD can be disbursed immediately and the village government can use it optimally.

"One of the conditions for disbursement mechanism is that stage one has been implemented and the report has entered the DPMD as one of the requirements for the second phase of disbursement. So the current Perbup can be the basis for the disbursement of the next stage," he said.

He encouraged the village heads to immediately prepare all the required requirements.

"So it has started to be able to apply from now on, there is no need to wait. The important thing is that the complete conditions will be disbursed immediately," he said.