What Is Eccendentsiast? A Strong Pura-pura Attitude Precisely Toxic

YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever hidden your sadness from others? You pretend to be happy and show a smile, even though in reality you are not doing well. Such an attitude is called eccedentsiast.

Ecedentsiast is a person's mental condition who likes to hide sadness behind a smile. Even though they are suffering, eccedentsiast people always try to show a smile in front of other people. The term contemporary is the same as fake smile and pretend to be happy.

The word eccedentsiast is an English term derived from the Latin 'ecce' which means 'let'. Then the word 'dentes' which means 'gist' and the word 'easy' which is a 'entertainer'. On the one hand, people of emergency have a good purpose to please others and not trouble others. But on the other hand, this attitude can interfere with mental health.

There are characteristics of people suffering from eccedentsiast. You can find out the eccedentsiast person from the following signs.

People with eccedentsiast don't talk much with other people. Eccedentsiast people are only comfortable talking to close people or friends. People who are not close to them will not know their personal feelings and lives.

The next characteristic of eccedentsiast people is to be alone. Eccedentsiast people are more often alone because they don't want others to get involved in sadness or their problems. these people will look independent and strong, but actually need help from others.

Another characteristic of eccedentsiast people is the loss of interest in what was previously liked. the cause of the loss of interest and hobbies is feeling guilty, desperate, and unappreciated.

The most common sign shown by eccedentsiast people is that they always look happy. they will show a happy face in front of others as if they have no burden or suffering. It's done because they don't want to bother others.

Another sign that people with eccedentsiast experience appetite. Eccedentsiast people experience drastic changes in appetite. This will change their weight drastically.

The eccedentsiast condition has several bad effects on oneself and others. Here are some of the negative impacts of the eccentsiast.

Eccententsiast can cause damage to relationships with other people. The attitude of trying to hide problems or showing false expressions can actually endanger his relationship with friends and family.

People related to eccendentsiast can feel disappointed if they know the actual condition that is being covered up. They also feel disappointed with themselves because they feel they have failed to help you.

An attitude of pretending or being arrogant can cause negative feelings. The affirmation in yourself greatly affects a person's physical and mental condition. Therefore, we are always advised to think positively. The subconscious will reject false or negative affirmations and will make people with eccendensiast feel depressed.

It seems that covering up the problem will make things go better. But the fact is the opposite. pretending to smile or pretend to be strong actually makes your problem longer.

People closest to you who know your false attitude will feel disappointed. As a result, your problem is getting longer. This condition also prevents you from getting help from other people. Even though these aids can solve your problems more quickly.

An eccedentsiast attitude can build bad habits. The pattern of avoiding feelings and reality will form within you. This condition will make you a person who likes to avoid problems or run away from reality.

That's an explanation of the eccential condition. People who have eccedentsiast always try to smile or look fine. In fact, this attitude can cause negative impacts both mentally and socially.

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