7 Carbohydrate Foods For Diabetes People Don't Be Lemas

YOGYAKARTA Carbohydrates are often considered as triggers for soaring blood sugar. But carbohydrates including starch and fiber are valuable in many foods which are part of a diabetic diet. That is, carbohydrates may be consumed but on condition.

According to a board-certified educator for diabetics, Meredith Nguyen, RD., carbohydrates provide energy for your body. for diabetics, choosing whole carbohydrates that are not processed with simple and processed sugar is key.

Erin Palinski-Wade, RD., CDE., author of 2 Day Diabetes Diet reported by Everyday Health, Wednesday, September 28, carbohydrates rich in fiber and essential nutrients can help improve health, including reducing the risk of disease. But the number of recommended carbohydrates is different for each person. It depends on factors such as how much exercise you exercise, body size, age, and gender. In addition, it is also necessary to consider the level of blood sugar and medicine when determining the amount of carbohydrates that the body needs.

Here are healthy carbohydrates in food for diabetics so they don't get weak. Pay attention to how to consume to maintain a blood sugar balance.

Milk and dairy products contain sugar in the form of lactose. But these foods or drinks are important to be included in a healthy diabetes diet because they offer protein and calcium. Protein is good to stay full longer, both for metabolism, and muscle health. While calcium is for heart health, muscle, and bone, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

For diabetics, choose low-fat milk. The consumption rules, in 1 cup of low-fat milk according to USDA, offer 8 grams of protein, 305 milligrams of calcium, and 12 grams of carbohydrates.

Nuts, such as black beans and red beans, have higher carbohydrates than other sources of plant-based carbohydrates. But nuts are good for your diabetes diet. Palisnki-Wade, recommends diabetics to consume nuts regularly. Because nuts are high fiber foods that have a positive impact on health.

According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who added one serving of nuts to their food lost nearly 1 pound (or 1 kg) more weight than people who did not eat nuts for 6 weeks.

In 1 cup of nuts, it contains 109 calories, 7 grams of protein, 8 grams of fiber, and 20 grams of carbohydrates. The content of carbohydrates and fiber is recommended. But avoid additional salt, sugar, or other taste flour.

A person with diabetes may worry because fruits also contain sugar. But don't ignore the source of healthy carbohydrates from fruits. Fruits are not prohibited for diabetics, says Palisnki-Wage. In order not to weaken, diabetics are still recommended to consume fruit intake throughout the day. The goal is to balance blood sugar levels. Portion, one cup a day.

Berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are ideal fruit for diabetics because they tend to be lower in sugar and carbohydrates than other fruits. The fiber raspberries are higher than other berries.

So this is the right choice for blood sugar management and weight control. In a cup of berries, it contains 7 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of fiber, according to USDA. While blueberries in a cup contain 11 grams of carbohydrates and 2 grams of fiber.

If you are weak because you are easily hungry, vegetables can be the key to full longer. Eating more vegetables is a great way to moderate carbohydrates in food, says Nguyen. Registered dietitians and certified diabetic educators recommend consuming after your dishes with non-thit vegetables. Such as green vegetables, broccoli, and peppers.

It does not mean that starchy vegetables are prohibited. It's just that you can eat sweet potatoes, corn, or green beans in medium portions.

Carbohydrates with flour can be obtained from foods based on whole grains, barley, quinoa, and brown rice. This is better and safer than a smooth white paste and white rice. The portion can only be one cup, yes.

A piece of whole wheat-based bread contains about 11 grams of carbohydrates, according to USDA. Compared to fine flour white bread which contains 14 grams of carbohydrates. Barve bread contains fiber, protein, vitamins, and healthy minerals. To eat it, it is recommended to consider how to process it. For a piece of roast bread, it can be for breakfast. While sandwiches combined with vegetables, low-sodium deli meat, and a little mustard, can be consumed at lunch.

Those are carbohydrates in food for diabetics so they don't get weak. You can eat it according to your schedule by calculating the portion. It's even safer, consult your daily menu on your nutritionist and personal doctor.