Announcement Create Mothers! PLN Cancels The 3 Kg Gas Compor Conversion Program To Electricity

JAKARTA - PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) canceled the 3-kilogram (kg) LPG stove conversion program to electricity.

This step is taken to maintain the comfort of the community in economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"PLN has decided that the transfer program to the electric stove will be cancelled. PLN is here to provide comfort in the community through the provision of reliable electricity," said PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo, in an official statement, Tuesday, September 27.

Not only that, said Darmawan, PLN also ensures that electricity rates do not increase. The government has decided on this electricity tariff through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

"There is no increase in electricity rates. This is to maintain an increase in people's purchasing power and maintain economic stability," said Darmawan.

No Power Elimination 450 VA

In addition, Darmawan ensured that there would be no removal of the customer group with a power of 450 Volt Ampere (VA).

Electric power 450 VA will also not be diverted to 900 VA so the rates remain the same for each group.

"The Government's decision is very clear. There is no change in power from 450 VA to 900 VA and PLN is ready to carry out the decision. PLN has never held any formal discussion or planned to transfer 450 VA's power to 900 VA," he said.

Darmawan straightened out that the electric stove program had nothing to do with the removal of 450 VA electricity or plans to increase power to 900 VA.

"This has nothing to do with the electric stove program," said Darmawan.

PLN continues to be committed to maintaining reliable electricity supply, as well as supporting the government to restore the national economy, maintain people's purchasing power and productivity.

During the 2016-2021 period, the state was present for the community with state capital participation (PMN) to PLN to build electricity infrastructure of Rp40 trillion, especially in the leading, outermost and underdeveloped areas (3T).

In addition, stimulus was also distributed amounting to Rp24.3 trillion for the community in an effort to reduce economic burdens in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

During 2017-2021, subsidies amounted to Rp243 trillion and compensation of Rp94 trillion so that people continued to obtain electricity at affordable rates in order to maintain productivity and economic growth.