There Are 1.6 Billion Cyber Attacks In Indonesia In 2021
PADANG - The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) said that throughout 2021 there would be 1.6 billion cyber attacks in Indonesia, dominated by traffic anomalies with the most category of anomalies being malware.
"Along with advances in information and communication technology, the spectrum of threats is getting wider, therefore Indonesia must also be responsive and ready to face cyber warfare," said Director of Cyber Security and Passwords for Information and Communication Technology, Media and Transportation, Deputy IV BSSN, Rinaldy, in Padang as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 27.
This was conveyed at the launch of the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) or the Padang Government Cyber Incident Response Team under the name Padang-CSIRT.
According to Rinaldy, of the 1.6 billion attacks, the most anomalous categories were malware, trojan activity to gathering information to identify security holes.
Rinaldy explained the anomaly is like a house where usually only one or two people pass by, but suddenly more than 10 people pass by at any time. "What was previously quiet has suddenly become crowded, so it needs to be a concern for the cyber incident response team," he said.
Then the next level after the anomaly is cyber attacks. Rinaldy gave an analogy for the attacks of the many who were going back and forth in front of the house, some carrying screwdrivers, and pliers and trying to pry open the door of the house.
"When attacked, if the door of the house is not strong, it can enter, but if you use an iron door and it is strong, the attacker cannot enter," he said.
The next highest level is the incident, where the attacker was able to enter and take some of the items in the house.
Rinaldy said that cyber-attacks continue to be a concern for BSSN.
"What continues to increase is the number of data leak attacks carried out by threatening actors, the majority of whom are motivated by the motive to obtain government-owned data," he said.
According to him, this is a serious threat to cyberspace which is technical in nature.
In addition to technical cyber attacks, according to him, there is also the possibility of social cyber attacks with one of the targets of efforts to influence humans through cyberspace which is closely related to political warfare, information warfare, psychological warfare, and propaganda.
Rinaldy conveyed in his state address that President Jokowi had advised Indonesia to be prepared to face the threat of cybercrime, including the crime of data misuse.
On the other hand, in building cyber security, it takes a combination of three aspects that are interrelated and support each other, namely human resources, processes, and technology.
"HR plays a crucial role in building cyber security, by making efforts to strengthen the process and technology aspects," he said.