300 Visitors Hanging Out At Warkop Ends With Dozens Of COVID-19 Reactive People

PONTIANAK - A new cluster has emerged in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan. Cluster of a coffee shop (Warkop) on Jalan Reformasi, Pontianak. There are 13 people who have now been declared reactive to COVID-19 from a rapid test conducted by the Health Service on Saturday, November 28 evening.

That night, the Pontianak City COVID-19 Task Force Team was carrying out control, they encountered a coffee shop filled with visitors. It was recorded that 250 to 300 visitors at the Warkop did not comply with health protocols. A quick test was immediately carried out.

"Visitors are targeted for curbing this health protocol because the owner of the shop does not heed health protocols, such as maintaining a safe distance and others," said Head of the Pontianak City Health Office, Dr. Sidiq Handanu, M.Kes in Pontianak as reported by Antara.

"And about 80 percent of the Warkop visitors are students from various regions in West Kalimantan who study in Pontianak," he said.

Sidiq explained, his party conducted a quick test on 214 visitors, and the results were 13 reactive visitors, still around 57 visitors and not including warkop employees who had not done a quick test due to time constraints.

"Of the 13 reactive people, swab tests were immediately carried out and the results on Tuesday (12/1), Insya Allah, could be known," he said.

He added, because most of the Warkop visitors were students, his party would write to their universities to participate in socializing the implementation of health protocols in preventing and breaking the chain of spread of COVID-19 in Pontianak City.

To impose sanctions on warkop owners, his party handed over to the Pontianak Civil Service Police Unit, it could be in the form of a fine or temporary closure if someone is found positive for COVID-19, then spraying disinfectant is carried out.

His party appealed to the public, students and including business owners such as warkop to obey the rules of health protocol in preventing and breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19 in Pontianak City.

"Namely by always using a mask, providing means of washing hands using soap and maintaining distance," said Sidiq Handanu.