Not Paid On A Royal Tour, Meghan Markle Complaints

JAKARTA - Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, married Prince Harry in 2018. At the beginning of the wedding, Meghan complained of not getting a salary while on his first royal tour to Australia, Fiji, Tonga, and New Zealand in October 2018.

This fact was revealed from a book Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown as reported by Page Six, Sunday, September 25. The couple attended 76 events in 16 days, and based on a new book, Meghan found it difficult to understand why he had to take part in that energy-consuming tour.

"Even though she enjoys the attention, Meghan doesn't understand what the purpose of walking and shaking hands with many people is," said Valentine Low, author of Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown which will release on October 6.

Low wrote that Meghan sounded complaining about the tour, as Page Six broadcast. "I can't believe I'm not paid for this," Meghan said, based on the book.

Behind the tour of several countries, Low claims the atmosphere is heating up between Meghan and his aides. According to the book, Jason Knauf, who was in charge of the couple's media operations, filed a complaint via email during the royal tour.

He allegedly called Meghan for showing "unacceptable" behavior towards a staff who "worked well" and expressed concern about his treatment of two personal assistants, the book said.

Reuters reported in mid-September that Meghan had postponed the latest episode of Spotify's broadcast during the period of mourning over Queen Elizabeth II's passing. Siniar Meghan titled "Archetypes" has so far presented guest star singer Mariah Carey and tennis player Serena Williams.

Meghan Markle was previously known as the actress who acted in the legal drama Suits before finally marrying Prince Harry. Harry and his wife withdrew from the royal family in 2020, then moved to California with their two children.