Preventing Conflict, Deputy Chairperson Of The People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Asked The Police To Quickly Investigate Terror By The MIT Group In Sigi

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Ahmad Basarah asked the police to move quickly to investigate the massacre of a family and the burning of a number of residents' houses and a Christian place of worship in Sigi, Central Sulawesi, which was carried out by the terrorist group Mujahid Indonesia Timur (MIT).

This needs to be done so that the community becomes calm and does not drag on, because it is feared that this terror could trigger conflicts related to ethnicity, religion, race and between groups (SARA).

"If it is true that this incident was carried out by terrorists, this will prove that the threat of extremism that leads to religious teachings is real and still exists. Therefore, the security forces must thoroughly investigate this case to its roots so that the mastermind and motives of the perpetrators will be revealed. "said Basarah, quoted from his written statement to reporters on Sunday, November 29.

He agreed with the statement of the Indonesian Church of Communion (PGI) that wanted law enforcement officials to resolve this case quickly and transparently to free the community from any acts of violence.

"I have heard all the statements of condolences and appeals for the Indonesian security forces to resolve this case quickly and transparently and I hereby urge the government to make this case a priority for handling," he said.

Furthermore, Basarah strongly condemned the act of terror and considered it an act that was against Pancasila and not in accordance with religious teachings.

"The killings that killed four people are totally inconsistent with the teachings of any religion and very much against the values of Pancasila," he said.

He considered, acts of violence in any form were not justified in the country. Moreover, Indonesia adheres to the Pancasila ideology. Basarah also said that all problems that occur should be resolved by deliberation because violence will not solve the problem.

"In the Pancasila state, all problems should be resolved by deliberation to reach a consensus in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations not by means of violence. Violence will not solve problems but instead create new problems," he said.

Previously, the murder of a family in Kebun Mountains, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi by MIT Group had occurred. According to a witness named Ulin, the murder took place on Friday, November 27, at around 09.00 WITA. Then, this report reached the police at 13.00 WITA.

There are four people who died as a result of this murder. The four victims were Yasa, Pinu, Naka, and Pedi. The four people were Ulin's family who were witnesses to the reporting.

According to the report, the MTI group came to Ulin's house in the Kebun Mountains at around 09.00 WITA. They took the Ulin family hostage who managed to escape. Yasa, Ulin's father and Pinu, Ulin's husband died. Meanwhile, the cause of the deaths of Naka and Pedi is unknown.

Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, said that the East Indonesia Mujahid terrorist group (MIT) not only carried out killings, but also carried out arson.

He said, Friday, November 27, Palolo Police, Sigi, Central Sulawesi came to the scene of the case after receiving reports of the massacre of a family.

"When they arrived at the TKP on Friday, November 27 at around 13.00 WIB, members of the Palolo Police found 4 bodies and 7 houses of residents in a burning condition," said Awi.

In this regard, the Daily Workers 'Council of the Fellowship of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) condemned the massacre of one family and the burning of a number of residents' houses and a Christian place of worship in Sigi, Central Sulawesi, which was carried out by the MIT terrorist group.

"This incident demonstrates barbaric and barbaric behavior that all civilized people should denounce," said PGI PR Philip Situmorang in his statement, Saturday, November 28.

In this incident, PGI urged the government and security forces to thoroughly investigate this case as soon as possible. PGI also asked the government to arrest and take firm action against the perpetrators of the massacre.

"In addition, it is necessary to coordinate quick actions to restore trauma to the victims' families and the surrounding community, as well as to provide security and peace guarantees for the community so that there is no more terror threat," he said.