Rows Of Ministers Jokowi Became Corruption Suspects At The KPK

JAKARTA - Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo was named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Wednesday, November 25 and was detained in a detention center (remand center) with other suspects. He is suspected of accepting bribes related to the export license for shrimp fries or lobster seeds from private parties.

In this case, Jokowi said the government supports efforts to prevent corruption in the country. He also respects the legal process that is being handled by the KPK. Jokowi believes that the KPK works transparently, openly and professionally.

Edhy was not the first minister in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to become entangled in a corruption case. In the first period (2014-2019) of Jokowi's leadership, two ministers in the Working Cabinet were arrested by the KPK.

The following are the rows of ministers in the first and second term of President Jokowi who were arrested by the KPK:

Minister of Social Affairs Idrus Marham

The minister, who comes from the Golkar Party, is serving a three-year prison term since 2019. He was found guilty for allegedly accepting bribes together with Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Eni Maulani Saragih, who is a member of the Golkar Party faction worth IDR 2.25 billion from a shareholder of Blackgold Natural Resources Ltd, Johannes Budisutrisno Kotjo.

The bribe was given so that the two of them helped Johannes get the Independent Power Producer (IPP) project of PLTU Riau-1.

Meanwhile, the determination of Idrus as a suspect was not preceded by a hand-arrest operation (OTT). He was named a suspect after the anti-graft commission developed the silent operation that previously caught Eni Maulani.

After being named a suspect, the former Golkar Party Secretary General resigned from his post. At that time, he directly conveyed his resignation to President Jokowi at the State Palace after the KPK declared himself a suspect and he had not been detained.

"As a form of my moral responsibility, I submitted a request for resignation as Minister of Social Affairs to the President with several considerations," he said after meeting with Jokowi at that time.

The first consideration, he resigned in order to maintain the honor of President Jokowi, who he considered as a leader who has a high commitment to eradicating corruption.

Idrus Mahram (

Second, Idrus does not want to be a burden to the president and interfere with the concentration and running of the government. "So if for example I am a suspect and I am still this, right, it is unethical and morally unacceptable," he said.

"At the same time, I want to concentrate on following the existing legal process," he added.

After President Jokowi accepted his resignation, Idrus was replaced by Agus Gumiwang, who also came from the Golkar Party.

Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi

In the same year, the KPK also detained the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Imam Nahrawi. The politician from the National Awakening Party (PKB) was named a suspect in the bribery case of grants from the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI).

At trial at the Central Jakarta Corruption Court in June, he was found guilty of accepting bribes related to the processing of the KONI grant proposal and gratuities from a number of parties and was sentenced to seven years in prison and a fine of Rp400 million, a subsidiary of three months.

Imam also received an additional sentence in the form of revocation of political rights to be elected to public office for four years after his release. He was also required to compensate the state for a loss of Rp. 18,154,230,882.

Imam Nahrawi (

Imam was proven proven to have received a bribe of Rp. 11.5 billion with his personal assistant, Miftahul Ulum from former KONI Secretary General Ending Fuad Hamidy and former KONI Treasurer Johnny E Awuy. This bribe was intended to make the two of them accelerate the process of approving and disbursing the grant funds submitted by the sports committee to the Ministry of Youth and Sports for 2018 activities.

Apart from that, the trial proved that Imam received gratuities worth Rp8,348,435,682 from a number of parties.

Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo

Gerindra Party Deputy Chairperson Edhy Prabowo, who is also close to the Gerindra Party Chairperson Prabowo Subianto, was arrested by the KPK when he arrived in Indonesia after a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. He was identified as a suspect in receiving bribes for the export of fries or lobster seeds along with a number of other people.

Those who were also designated as recipients of bribes were special staff of the Minister of KP Edhy Prabowo, Safri (SAF) and Andreau Pribadi Misanta (APM); Management of PT Aero Citra Kargo (PT ACK) Siswadi (SWD); The staff of the wife of the Minister of KKP, Ainul Faqih, and Amiril Mukminin (AM). Meanwhile, the giver of the bribe was the Director of PT Dua Putra Perkasa Pratama (PT DPPP) Suharjito (SJT).

In this case, Edhy allegedly received Rp3.4 billion in bribes, which was then used as much as Rp. 750 million to buy luxury goods in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. The items he bought included bags, clothes, and luxury Rolex watches. In addition, he is also suspected of buying a bicycle from the bribe.

Currently, he has submitted a resignation letter and has been submitted to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). According to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Antam Novambar said this letter was signed by Edhy on Thursday, November 27, or the day after he was detained at the KPK detention center.

"The resignation letter was signed by Pak Edhy yesterday. The letter was addressed to the President," said Antam in a written statement to reporters, Friday, November 27.

After the letter is sent, his party is just waiting for an official decision from President Jokowi. Because, only the president has the right to grant the dismissal. While waiting for this decision, the KKP is now led by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment who serves as the Ad Interim Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

Edhy Prabowo (Irfan Meidianto / VOI)

Furthermore, Antam said, the current situation would not have an impact on KKP services. Because, all activities continue as usual.

Returning to Edhy, before he was detained in the detention center, he apologized to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Gerindra Party Chairman Prabowo Subianto who also served as Minister of Defense in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. In his statement, he admitted that he was prepared to be responsible for the alleged corruption case of lobster seeds or fries that caught him.

"First, I apologize to the president. I have betrayed his trust. Apologize to Prabowo Subianto who has taught him many things," said Edhy after a press conference on his determination as a suspect at the KPK office, Jakarta, Thursday, November 26 in the morning.

In addition, he also declared his resignation from the party. "I also apologize to all the extended family of my party. I hereby resign as vice chairman and later I will ask to resign as a minister and I am sure the process is ongoing. I take full responsibility and I will face it with soul. great, "he said.

It was not enough to stop there, he also apologized to his mother and said he would remain strong and take responsibility for his actions.

Finally, Edhy, who became the first minister in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet who was caught by the KPK's silent operation, also apologized to the public. "I also apologize to the whole society as if I was imagining in public, it was not. That is enthusiasm. This is an accident that happened and I am responsible for this, I did not run away and I will reveal what I did, "he concluded.