UMMI Hospital Polished For Obstructing The Task Of The COVID-19 Task Force

JAKARTA - The Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force reported the President Director and Management of the Bogor City UMMI Hospital to the Bogor City Police for allegedly obstructing and obstructing the task of the COVID-19 Task Force in tackling the spread of infectious diseases.

Reported by Antara, Sunday, November 29, the Head of Law Enforcement and Discipline of the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force Agustiansyah said, in Bogor City, Saturday, the report to the Bogor City Police was made after waiting for an appointment made by the UMMI Hospital Management but did not visit it. fulfilled.

Agustiansyah explained that the report to the Bogor City Police started from an attempt to conduct a swab test on the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) who was being treated at the UMMI Hospital in Bogor City.

This incident started when the Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya received news from the Main Director of the UMMI Najamudin Hospital who reported that a patient on behalf of Muhammad Rizieq Shihab or HRS was being treated at the UMMI Hospital.

The Mayor of Bogor who is also the Head of the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force then suggested that the UMMI Hospital ask HRS to do a swab test. "The hospital agreed to carry out a swab test on HRS on Friday morning," he said.

The team from the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, namely from the Health Office, came to the UMMI Hospital, on Friday, November 27 afternoon, to provide assistance in implementing the swab test. "However, received an answer from the UMMI Hospital Management who said that HRS had undergone a swab test in the morning," he said.

According to Agustianyah, the team from the Health Office then asked who carried out the swab test, how was the mechanism, when and where. "The hospital said that HRS had been tested for swabs by his personal doctor from Mer-C," said the Head of Bogor City Satpol PP.

On Friday night, November 28, the Mayor of Bogor together with the Head of Bogor City Police and Bogor City Dandim 0606 came to the UMMI Hospital to ask again about the swab test, because it is a mandate of the Health Quarantine Law to ensure a person's health condition, so as not to endanger others.

According to Agustiansyah, from the family, namely the son of HRS, said that HRS had already been tested for swabs on Friday morning and was not willing to be re-tested. Meanwhile, the UMMI Hospital Management promised that the results of the swab test would come out on Friday night at 23.00 WIB.

Therefore, the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, waited for the results of the swab until 24.00 WIB, but there were no results. "Therefore, the Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force has decided to report the President Director and Management of the UMMI Hospital to the Bogor City Police," he said. type C. UMMI Hospital is actually a priority for the health of mothers and children. This hospital was established on May 18, 2013 in Bogor.