Basarnas Evacuation 22 Longboat Passengers Sinked In North Maluku, 4 People Died

MALUKU - The Ternate Basarnas evacuated 22 longboat passengers who drowned in the waters of Mangoli Island, Sula Islands Regency (Kepsul), North Maluku (Malut).

The head of the Ternate Basarnas, Fathur Rahman, said that from the evacuation process, his party and the residents of 22 passengers were declared dead.

"As a result of the unfortunate incident of the sinking ship in the waters of the Sula Islands, four people were found dead and 18 others survived," said Fathur in Ternate, quoted from Antara, Sunday, September 25.

Based on information, the longboat sank on Sunday, September 25 morning. Initially, the longboat departed from Buya Village to Sanana, at around 08.15 WIT, the longboat was reported to have capsized in Paslal Village Waters.

After receiving the report, Basarnas immediately moved to the location to evacuate the victim to Paslal Village.

He said, at around 12.55 WIT the joint SAR team arrived in Paslal Village with all the victims who had been evacuated and then data collection was carried out.

"After being evacuated, the joint SAR team then collected data on the passengers and four people died, while four other people were evacuated to the hospital for further medical treatment due to trauma," said Fathur.

Meanwhile, based on data, the names of the four victims who died were Hasria Safi (7 years old), Tete ona (70 years old), Ni Umamit (57 years old), Jaria Hania (45 years old).

Meanwhile, the names of the survivors include Sadin Umadir (Motoris), Safi Umasugi (45), Marjuki embis (30 years), Marjatia can be (8 years), Suman Umadir (25 years), Hajrin Tidore (15 years), Bahrudin (25 years), Ruwaidah (37 years).

Furthermore, Wacici Pramida (15 years), Sayina Sapsuha (54 years), Nurlaila Tidore (20 years old), Nurfadila (24 years old), Sanusi, Awria Sapsuha, Sri Sapsuha, Sahwan, Lajuma and Farid.