Rice Prices In The NTT Region Have Experienced An Increase, Bulog Pasok 2,810 Tons To Be Distributed To The Community

JAKARTA - Rice prices in the East Nusa Tenggara region have increased slightly. This is related to the increase in fuel oil prices (BBM).

To maintain price stability, Perum Bulog NTT distributed 2,810 tons of rice supplies. Later this rice will be distributed to the public through market operations.

Rice distributed to the community is set at prices ranging from 8,800-9,000 per kilogram.

"We poured 2,810 tons of rice into the community at affordable prices through market operations spread throughout NTT," said Bulog Regional Leader of the NTT Regional Office, Mohamad Alexander, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, September 24, 2022.

Alexander explained that the distribution of thousands of tons of rice was the implementation of the Supply Availability and Price Stabilization Program (KPSH) in 2022.

"The rice distributed is also of good quality with competitive prices, making it easier for the public to get it," he said.

Alexander said that the KPSH program, which has been running smoothly throughout 2022, will continue to be carried out massively. The hope is that there will be no price turmoil at the consumer level.

"People don't worry, Bulog guarantees that the demand for rice is available in the community at affordable prices even though in the market there is a slight price increase after the increase in fuel prices," he said.

Alexander added that Bulog will use all work units in the regions to ensure food availability for the needs of the community.

"We also make sure that our entire network of partners has provided rice needs at the local level both offline and online, as well as Bulog-income outlets such as our Food House which are spread throughout NTT," he concluded.