Democrats Ask TGUPP Anies Not To Act As Supervisors For DKI Jakarta Civil Servants

JAKARTA - Member of the Demorkat Party of the DKI DPRD, Neneng Hasanah, views the performance of the Jakarta Governor Team for the Acceleration of Development (TGUPP).

They often act as superiors of the state civil apparatus (ASN) in the DKI sphere. He admitted, TGUPP had also intervened in the ranks of regional work units (SKPD) in carrying out work programs.

Therefore, Neneng requested that TGUPP work in accordance with its main duties and functions as the party providing input to DKI Governor Anies Baswedan in leading the Capital City.

"The Democrats faction asked TGUPP to limit itself and not act as the superior of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government ASN by going too far into the realm of policy which is the authority of the SKPD," said Neneng on Friday, November 28.

In addition, Neneng also regretted Anies's decision to propose a salary and operational budget for the TGUPP DKI amounting to Rp.19.84 billion in the draft regional revenue and expenditure budget (RAPBD) for the 2021 fiscal year.

In fact, since last year, many party factions in the DPRD have criticized the large TGUPP budget in the DKI Regional Budget. Plus, the DPRD cannot evaluate the performance of TGUPP because only Anies has been doing the evaluation.

Therefore, Neneng requested that the number of TGUPP members be adjusted according to the needs so that there is no waste of budget. This is because later the DKI Jakarta Regional Budget will be burdened because it bears a lot of the salaries of TGUPP members.

"Democrats urge that the amount of TGUPP can be made more proportional so that it does not cause waste in the budget," he said.