Review Of The Sadawarna Dam, Minister Basuki's Messages Of Land Structures Maintained From Not Rembes
JAKARTA - PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono reviewed the progress of the construction of the Sadawarna Dam in Subang Regency. On that occasion, Basuki advised that the strength of the soil subsidence structure in the body of the Sadawarna Dam be maintained and not rembes.
In addition, said Basuki, cleaning up the remaining work must also be carried out, for example spraying soil deposits on the dam access road.
"Because the Sada Dam has a downward type, please monitor the soil pores on the main dam (main dam dam dam) pile properly. There should be no seepage," said Minister Basuki, in an official statement, Friday, September 23.
The dam construction work with a capacity of 71 million m3 has entered its final stages with an impact plan (early filling) at the end of October 2022. Construction of the Sadawarna Dam began work on since the contract in November 2018.
Construction of the dam was carried out through two work packages, namely Package I Operations Cooperation (KSO) PT. Wijaya Karya-PT Daya Mulia Turangga-PT Barata Indonesia with the progress of the work until September 22, 2022, reached 97 percent. Meanwhile, KSO PT Nindya Karya-PT Adhi Karya's package was carried out with progress reaching 96.5 percent.
During the final work, Basuki also asked to pay attention to the landscape by planting more endemic trees, such as mangoes, to add aesthetics and make the dam more shady.
In addition, it also continues to increase the capacity of Human Resources (HR), especially dam operators so that dam operations can be carried out according to procedures and guaranteed security.
"Hopefully the Sadawarna Dam can be more useful, especially to control flooding in the Subang area," said Basuki.
With a total inundation area of 695.61 hectares, the Sadawarna Dam has the potential to reduce the Q25 debit flood by 535 m3 per second to 202 m3 per second which is passed by the Cipunagara Watershed (DAS) with a flood capacity of 26.37 million m3.
The Sadawarna Dam stems the Cipunagara watershed which has a length of 137 km flowing from Mount Bukit Tunggul in the North Bandung Mountains and empties into the Java Sea, precisely in the northern region of West Java.
Not only reducing flooding, the Sadawarna Dam also has the potential to supply irrigation of 4,284 hectares of agricultural land in Subang Regency (2,517 ha) and Indramayu (1,767 ha) to increase the intensity of farmers' crops. Another benefit is supplying raw water of 1.20 m3 per second for Subang, Indramayu, and Sumedang Regencies as well as potential for power sources of 2 MW.
Meanwhile, Head of the Citarum Bastari River Bastari River Basin Center (BBWS) said the Sadawar Dam was designed by prioritizing the principles of sustainable infrastructure. This dam is equipped with a small reservoir as a runoff water management system by adopting the natural pond for water treatment concept.
"Later, water treatment will be carried out naturally by using chamber-chamber to capture runoff water to be filtered and deposited biologically. Then at the bottom of the pond using an under grab treatment, so that the water remains clear," said Bastari.
Furthermore, said Bastari, clear water is used for the needs of management houses and other supporting facilities such as the ablution of the As-Salimin Mosque.