After Jabodetabek, 8 Areas Outside Java Must Work To Move To Digital TV

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) has confirmed the date of stopping digital TV broadcasts in the Greater Jakarta area and its surroundings simultaneously on October 5.

The 14 administrative regencies and cities that will be affected are Central Jakarta, North Jakarta, West Jakarta, South Jakarta, East Jakarta, Thousand Islands Regency, Bekasi Regency and City, Bogor Regency and City, Depok City, Tangerang Regency, Tangerang City, and South Tangerang City.

Furthermore, after the implementation of ASO in Jabodetabek was completely completed, the Head of the ASO Task Force, Geryantika Kurnia, said that several areas would follow after that.

"October 5 is the most suitable time for Jabodetabek. After that, it follows Bandung, Semarang, Jogja, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Bali, Palembang, and Makassar," said Gery at a press conference at the Kominfo office Friday, September 23.

However, neither Gery nor Kominfo have mentioned the date and deadline for stopping analog TV broadcasts in areas outside Jabodetabek.

Also present were the Special Staff of the Minister of Communication and Information for IKP, Digital Transformation and Inter-Institutional Relations, Rosarita Niken Widiastuti who said that there were 18 of the total 112 service areas that had been completely turned off analog TV broadcasts.

Of the 18 regions, there are four service areas that have carried out analog switch off (ASO) on April 30, including East Nusa Tenggara 3, East Nusa Tenggara 4, West Papua 1, and Riau 4.

"In addition, we can inform you that there are 14 other service areas that have followed the implementation of ASO," said Niken.

The 14 regions are: South Kalimantan 2 and 4, North Kalimantan 3, Bangka Belitung Islands 4 and 2, West Kalimantan 6, Maluku 6, North Maluku 3, Papua 7, Central Sulawesi 3, Southeast Sulawesi 2, North Sulawesi 4 and 6, and also South Sulawesi 4.

Although with approximately two months to complete the ASO program, Kominfo said he was confident that he could finish everything before the deadline set on November 2, 2022.