Tigers Close To Citizens' Settlements, Riau BKSDA Installs A Jebak Guna Camera To Monitor Movement

RIAU - The Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) installed camera traps around the location where the Sumatran tiger found traces on the plantation of a resident of Kampar Hulu, Kampar Regency.

The head of the Riau BBKSDA Hartono said that the tracking camera was installed to monitor the movement of the animal named the Latin Panthera Tigris Sumatrae. BBKSDA is still monitoring the presence of tigers which may still be around the location.

Based on the team's review results in the field, Hartono said the tiger's footprints showed the Loreng animal was quite mature.

"There have been two tiger tracks at the same location. We make sure it's the same individual tiger. It's also an adult," Hartono said in Pekanbaru, quoted from Antara, Friday, September 23.

Although traces were found in the plantation, the location of the findings was quite close to community settlements. In addition, the carcass of a monkey that was allegedly eaten by the tiger was also found.

His party also carried out socialization and appealed to the local community to remain careful and vigilant when carrying out daily activities, especially around the forest.

"If the community finds another trace of the animal, please report it immediately so that we immediately try to provide a sense of security for the community," he added.

Meanwhile, from January to August 2022, 55 cases of conflict have occurred, and in 2019 animal conflicts have resulted in the death of nine people as well as the deaths of a number of animals in Riau Province.