Former BPK Member Rizal Djalil Did Not Fulfill The KPK Summons

JAKARTA - Former member of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), Rizal Djalil, failed to comply with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summons, Friday, November 27.

Originally, Rizal Djalil would be questioned as a witness in the alleged bribery case for the drinking water supply system (SPAM) development project at the Ministry of PUPR for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

"Rizal Djalil sent a letter of notification of his absence and a reschedule will be carried out," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara.

The KPK summoned Rizal as a witness for the suspected President Commissioner of PT Minarta Dutahutama Leonardo Jusminarta Prasetyo (LJP). It is known that Rizal also held the status of a suspect in the SPAM case, but the KPK summoned him as a witness.

In addition, the KPK today also summoned Leonardo as a witness for the suspect, Rizal. Leonardo was present to meet the investigators' summons.

"Examined as a witness for the suspect RD (Rizal Djalil), investigators confirm the participation of the witness company in the auction process for the SPAM construction project at the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing for the 2017-2018 Fiscal Year," said Ali.

To note, in the development of the SPAM case, the KPK has named Rizal and Leonardo as suspects on September 25, 2019. However, both have not been detained by the KPK until now.

In the case construction, it was stated that in October 2016, BPK RI conducted an examination at the SPAM Directorate of the Ministry of PUPR as stated in the BPK RI Task Letter dated 21 October 2016. The letter was signed by the suspect Rizal in his capacity as a member of IV BPK RI at that time.

The assignment letter is to carry out an inspection with a specific purpose on the management of drinking water and waste water sanitation infrastructure at the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the Ministry of PUPR and Related Agencies in 2014, 2015 and 2016 in the Provinces of DKI Jakarta, East Java, Central Java, West Kalimantan, and Jambi.

Initially, it was suspected that the findings from the investigation amounted to Rp. 18 billion, but later it changed to around Rp. Previously, the Director of SPAM received a message that there was a request for money related to the audit conducted by the BPK RI, amounting to IDR 2.3 billion.

The suspect, Rizal, is suspected of having summoned the SPAM Director to his office, then said that there would be a party representing him to meet with the SPAM Director. Then Rizal's representative came to the SPAM Director and said he wanted to participate in project implementation / activities within the SPAM Directorate.

The project of interest is the Hungary Main Distribution Network (JDU) SPAM project with a budget ceiling of IDR 79.27 billion.

Then the Hungarian JDU SPAM project was undertaken by PT Minarta Dutahutama. In this company, the suspect Leonardo is the President Commissioner. Previously, around 2015/2016 the suspect Leonardo was introduced to Rizal in Bali by an intermediary.

Leonardo introduced himself as a project contractor at the PUPR Ministry. Through an intermediary, Leonardo said that he would hand over Rp1.3 billion in Singapore dollars to Rizal through another party.

The money was eventually handed over to Rizal through one of the family's parties, namely 100 thousand Singapore dollars in 1,000 Singapore dollars or 100 notes in the parking lot of a shopping center in South Jakarta.