National Police Chief Issues Telegram Preventing Extortion Of Candle Operations 2020

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Idham Azis issued a Telegram Letter Number ST / 3326 / XI / HUK.7.1. / 2020 dated November 27, 2020. This telegram is to anticipate violations by members of the National Police in implementing Candle Operations at Christmas and New Year.

The telegram letter was signed by the Head of Propam Polri Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo on behalf of the National Police Chief, General Idham Azis. "All members of the National Police must provide a sense of security and comfort to the people who are celebrating Christmas and on vacation on New Year's Eve 2021," said Brigadier General Ferdy Sambo, quoted by Antara, Friday, November 27.

In the telegram letter, it is stated that members of the National Police are prohibited from carrying out illegal fees, irregularities and abuse of authority that can harm the image of the Police.

In addition, Polri members are asked to improve the quality of public services with sympathetic activities and create a sense of security in the community who are carrying out Christmas and New Year's Eve 2021.

Police personnel are also asked to be alert to potential threats from unknown people and always adhere to health protocols.

"To anticipate the disruption of social security and improve security in all police headquarters from criminal acts of terrorism," said Sambo.

Meanwhile, Provos was asked to supervise and assist members of the National Police who carry out the Candle Operation in the region.

Sambo emphasized that he would impose strict sanctions on members of the National Police who abuse their authority or violate health protocols.

"Giving strict sanctions to members of the National Police who are caught extortion and other activities that harm the community," he said.